Monday, June 30, 2003

I am still a triathlete! I did the TYR Triathlon yesterday in Vancouver, Washington. I had the best time and had a PR! I did the course in 1 hour and 44 minutes which is about 11 minutes faster than my Danskin time last year!

One of my co-workers happened to be at the race too and her husband said I kicked a** on the bike portion! It felt so good and I can't wait to do another one! In the meantime, I need to find a 5K fun run for my sister-in-law and I to do.

No knitting knews since I was busy racing all weekend!

Friday, June 27, 2003
Super Sunny Silly

It's Friday! It's Friday! Happy Dance Time!

I've been working steadily along on the bikini top and hope to have pictures of a finished one soon! Probably won't be until next week though as I have my first Triathlon of the season on Sunday! I've borrowed my brother's big bad truck to drive down to Portland and I'm ready to rumble! I love driving the truck! It's huge and makes me feel very powerful! All you little cars out of the way! Hmmmmm, this could be dangerous!

I've had quite the week from an open water swim to a fantastic bike training session. I'm tired but happy! I took my baby bike into the shop for a tune-up yesterday and had them had a cadence reader onto it. It's going to be a fantastic addition for this weekend's ride.

Tonight, I'm having a friend over for pizza and the movie, "The Recruit". I can't wait to see Colin in action!

Time to go!


P.S. Sadly no yarn was purchased in New York but! I did make a great addition to my stash before I left town. I purchased about 8 skeins of Jamieson's to make a Harry Potter Scraf! Now I just need to get to work on this monster of a scraf! It's 62 inches long! Holy Cow!
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
New York! New York!

It's been busy around here! I went to New York this past weekend for a PRSA Leadership Rally. It was wonderful and quite inspirational! Now if only I hadn't been so tired and wired at the same time.

I arrived in New York via JFK on Friday morning and began my trip downtown on the A line. After departing the subway and roaming around looking for my flipping hotel, I arrived just in time to be late to my 8 a.m. meeting. So I decided that since I was already hot and sweaty, I would go up to my room and shower before the next meeting started. That was the best decision ever! I felt so much better when I headed downstairs for the start of the Rally. We had some wonderful speakers and great breakout sessions before heading down to Little Italy for dinner. I had the best time and had the most delicious cannoli! Another lady and I lined up at the Wall Street Borders at Midnight to snag a copy of Harry Potter #5! Fantastic!

Saturday was equally as educational and I had a great day! I snuck out a little bit early with another attendee to go shopping. We went to ABC and Bergdoffs before heading to dinner at one of the best restaurants. It had a huge nose and nipple on the wall! The waiter was amazing and I was sad to head home after such a night! I spent the remainder of the evening in my hotel room reading Life of Pi. I loved this book and am bursting to discuss it!

Sunday arose with plenty of rain and I headed down to Canal and Broadway for shopping! I quickly haggled and purchased three bags and a wallet. Deciding not to do any more damage to my bank account, I headed to the MET. It's HUGE! I did get to see four Vermeer paintings and managed to get lost inside the museum but all in all had a great time. After a quick bite to eat in Central Park, I headed towards Times Square. I wanted to see the Harry Potter display in Toys R Us. It was fun! They had some lifesized figures of Harry Potter and friends made out of Legos. Fun! I also visited Sephora and got some fantastic smelling shampoo!

Now I'm home and back to training! I have a tri this weekend in Vancouver, Washington which I'm a bit nervous about.

In Knitting Knews, I took a fantastic Intro to Color Knitting class and picked up some yarn to make a Harry Potter Scarf. I'm not using the exact same colors but they are in the same range as his scarf which I love! I'm also still working on the bikini top and now have a closer deadline because she's moving here on July 7th! Yea!
Friday, June 13, 2003
Triathlon Madness!

OK so I have posted her since June 6 but it seems blogger chose not to post my words! Q. upsetting!

Last night I went to hear Sally Edwards speak about the Danskin Triathlon with my sister-in-law. I love hearing Sally Edwards! She's done over 16 Ironman Tris, 90 Danskin tris, a few eco-challenges and is 54! What an inspiration!

I also nipped into Barnes and Noble to do my Father's Day shopping. Now I just need to get gift wrap and a card! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. My friend was in town this past weekend so there was lots of fun to be had. We spend Saturday at another friend's medical school graduation and then went to the beach to melt in the 92 degree heat before enjoying I Love Sushi! Sunday was a nice brunch and then I worked the Hootie and the Blowfish concert. What a crowd! Wednesday was Vince Gill and I really enjoyed working his show more. The crowd was nicer and the music was actually good! I just don't enjoy Hootie and the Blowfish very much and do prefer Vince Gill!

Knitting Knews! I've about completed Chloe's hat and have been inspired by Knitty! I'm making the bikini top for a friend! Now I just need to get down to the LYS to select some beautiful yarn!

Friday, June 06, 2003
Rapid Running

Last night I met up with a group for an run with a trainer. It was fantastic! While I didn't run as fast as I wanted to, I still ran for over 50 straight minutes without any thought of stopping. This is a miracle! I usually want to stop after 5 minutes and I'm panting! I'm not doing either of those! Tonight I'm meeting some supergirls for an open water swim (which will be COLD!) and then a run around Madison Park. I'm excited about the run!

After my fantastic run, I met a friend for beers at Hale's Ales. I do think 2 beers can negate all the running I did but I'm not letting it get me down because I haven't had drinks in over 3 weeks! It was well worth it and I really enjoyed myself. Of course getting home at 11 p.m. doesn't help with the sleeping or cleaning for Mot's arrival. I guess I'll get to that after my run tonight but well before I pick her up! I also need to do the grocery shopping. Hmmmm lot's to do tonight!

Best get cracking!
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Let the Sunshine In!

It's been a beautiful week of sunshine here in Seattle. I've been able to frollick outside every day this week. The forecast continues to call for fantastic weather through the weekend!

Now while all this wonderful weather makes me happy, it's not been so nice to my knitting or the traffic. I have attempted to remedy this situation by knitting while literally sitting in traffic. Yesterday a 20 minute drive home took me an hour and 20 minutes. So while we were sitting with no hope of ever moving again, I knit a few rows on Chloe's hat. It's looking fantastic!

I also got in 32 laps in the pool last night. My goal was 40 laps but when you are 20 minutes late into a 60 minute workout, you only get 32 laps.

I'm off to let the sunshine in!
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Is it Friday yet?

I'm counting down the days until Friday since my best friend comes to visit me that night. She's been living in Brasil but will be visiting me from her trip to South Africa. She is a world traveler! I get to spend 3 days with her which will be wonderful! She lived here in the Fall for about 3 months and I think I might work to convince her to do that again! She's a nurse and gets hired pretty quickly.

My sister-in-law and I joined a local bike club last night for a ride. It was extremely hilly but I think we both had fun! As the penguin says, "Waddle On!"

It's been crazy at work and that's another reason I am counting down the days until Friday. I feel peevish and it's not going away!

In knitting news, I've started Chloe's hat and am about 1/3 of the way done. Knitting knitting knitting!
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