Friday, April 29, 2005
Becoming Feral

Last night I attended my first Feral Knitters Meeting and it was all that I thought it would be (and more!).

I arrived a tiny bit late for the meeting and stopped to grab a pot of tea where I saw Kit. We discussed the best item to eat (for both health and taste) before heading to the Feral gathering. I was quickly greeted by Ryan upon entering which made me very happy since it had been quite awhile since I had seen Ryan. I also knew that she would mock me within an inch of my life about my knitting. This always makes me feel right at home! (I love you Ryan!)

Karen was among the people gathered and made sure we introduced ourselves to each other. I knew most of the people but others were new faces.

After settling in, I decided to start my very first Feral project. In order to get a feel for Fair Isle knitting, I started with the scarf which has just a wee bit of Fair Isle.

I then asked Karen for assistance on two-handed knitting since I once took a class on how to do it but then promptly forgot all I learned. After about 5 seconds, Karen had me on the right track and I produced this!

Do you see? I made something with a design and it looks normal! Weeeeee! Now I have something to knit on the plane ride to San Diego. I brought Sitcom Chic along but if someone is sitting next to me on the plane ride, my long needles might end up hitting them in the face. This project is on circular needles and won't hurt anyone.

So in just a few short hours, I leave for Sunny San Diego which is nice because the rains started falling down today! Of course I left something at home which I may or may not need. I didn't bring any good close-toed walking shoes. I think I'm going to have to go shopping!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Chic Knitting

I've been wanting to knit this sweater since it was published in 2003. In 2004 while unemployed, I spent $35 and purchased the yarn required for this project. (Did you read that!?! The yarn only cost $35!)
Then this past weekend in 2005, I decided to cast on and whoa! this is wonderful! My only issue is that purling cotton yarn on metal needles hurts my hands. Doesn't hurt to knit, just to purl!

My Sitcom Chic has already been many places with me.

To Clase de Espanol

To work to dream about Vermeer paintings

AND I'm taking her to San Diego with me this weekend. I leave tomorrow for a quick mini-break trip to San Diego to visit my friend, Kenn and to see Mot's parents!

Kenn has already planned many fun activities for us, including a trip to Tijuana and a wine-tasting adventure. I'm just happy to be going somewhere! I haven't been anywhere since November and I need trips! Weeeeeee!
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Coming Up Babies

Have you heard? Did you see?

Kate has some very exciting NEWS!

I am so happy for her and the Frog! I told Kate that I was jumping up and down this morning in my cube when I saw the good news!

As for me, all I have coming up is SWATCHES, Lots and lots of SWATCHES!

I'm working to get gauge for this and I'm so darn close! The pattern calls for 22 sts and 30 rows over 10 cm. So far, I've gotten 20 sts and 29 rows over 10 cm with metal US 5 needles. I've ordered some US 4 in that exact same brand and I have a good feeling. I used some other US 4 needles and almost got gauge. Who knew that needles and material type was so very important?

OK back to NEWS excitement! YIPPPPEEEEE KATE!
Monday, April 25, 2005
Babies in Sweaters

My new baby cousin was born last week and yesterday I gave him his new sweater and hat. Isn't he just the CUTEST? I know! He IS the cutest baby alive! My aunt (his mom) LOVED the sweater and muttered something about it being a family heirloom now, which basically scared me and made me want to point out mistakes. Instead, I accepted the praise and tried to pry the baby out of my parent's arms.

As you can see here, it was near impossible to get that baby away from them. I did though and had plenty of baby cuddle time.

PS I finally posted my photo friday photo (theme is soft this week). The theme while appearing simple provided me with quite the challenge!
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Dog-gone IT!

Last night I was admiring my Mariah sleeves and thinking that I had FINALLY gotten to the point where I was able to move forward without making mistakes. Then I spotted it. I spotted a mistake! I'm hoping that people can give me advice here so that I don't have to rip back a billizion rows (because mistakes always appear 10 rows back). I don't have a photo right now (but I will post one later) but let me explain the problem. I purled two rows of three stitches on a cable and those purls should have been knits. Is there an easy way to fix this? or am I doomed?

On a happier note, has anyone checked out Karen emailed me last night because she found my 43 things so I thought I would share it with the rest of you. Go explore! It's a wonderful site!

Notice down at the bottom where I mention reading Proust? Karen is going to help me accomplish this goal. We are starting a book club in June and while the details are being worked out, I am very excited. If there are any interested Proust readers in Seattle, send me an email at Reebecki AT gmail DOT com so you can join us!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I've noticed a trend within the blog world. One where books are being written and published by the all the major big book houses. It seems nowadays where ever you turn, someone is publishing a book.

Earlier this month, The Yarn Harlot's first book was released (and it was wonderful!) and I heard that a second one is in the works.

Yesterday, Kay and Ann of Mason-Dixon Knitting announced their book deal and today, Wendy of WendyKnits revealed details about her upcoming publication. And we all know, Cari has been busy on the second draft of her novel!

And then there are others outside of the knit blog world, publishing. Stephanie of Greek Tragedy recently announced her book deal along with Suburban Bliss talking about the possibility of writing a book. It just seems that the activity of writing books are everywhere nowadays.

This trend makes me turn my eye towards book writing but I always wonder what makes others want to write, how do they decide to write, HOW do they ever find the stamina to sit and ACTUALLY write? I feel immensely more curious about the process, than the end result at times.

Have others noticed this trend? Am I behind the slope on this one? Is this the latest "MUST DO" to hit the blog world? Who do you want to write a book that hasn't?
Monday, April 18, 2005

Unlike last weekend, this one was full of fun activities and adventures! Friday night I went to an Ethopian restaurant for dinner. It was good but I'm not sure that I'll develop Ethopian food cravings like I do for Thai or Mexican.

Saturday was the fullest day of adventure-some-ness. There was swimming and a run in the pouring rain with Julie. Then I met up with Karen, Kit and some other wonderful knitters at Third Place Books where I worked on Mariah and new cabled-socks.

Mariah is coming along and her sleeves are looking pretty darn good!

The socks are a repeat of ones I made for Jen but I'm striping these with two colors of Lorna's Laces, due in part to poor purchasing of sock skeins! Duh, you need to buy two to make a pair of socks and not just one.

Karen also delivered my order from Two Swan's Yarn and here is where I gush about ordering from Karen. First of all, her prices are perfect. Secondly, if you live nearby, she hand delivers! Whooo-hooo! And Third, just order already! You'll be happy!

So after receiving my yarn order, I hurried home to swatch! Of course, since I am a tight knitter, my gauge was off for the recommended needle size so I am re-swatching another swatch in US6 instead of US5. Hopefully I'll get gauge on this one!

I'm planning on knitting a sweater from Jaeger 34. I am using the Aqua yarn which is cotton and oh so lovely. I love the way it feels and knits up. This will be a wonderful sweater! I know it!

Saturday evening was spent eating Catfish (so very good) at a new to me restaurant and then catching the movie Sahara with friends. It was a very entertaining film! I really enjoyed the adventure!

Sunday, I cleaned the house, attended a Catholic Confirmation party, did homework and finished my bunny! He can now see and speak!

P.S. Thanks to everyone for your tips on seaming up the sweater! I'll be getting to that soon. Really! I will!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I've never been good at finishing things...

This is my current (well what I'm willing to show you!) pile of unfinished goods. I have Mr. Bunny from Last Minute Knitted Gifts who desperately needs a face lying atop the OMG I am so close to being finished Manos sweater but I've never sewn in set in sleeves before and I feel a bit out of my league but it can't possibly be that hard because tons of people do it without dying (and I think I just passed out from lack of breathing in that run-on sentence)!

Now isn't the bunny just about the cutest thing ever! OK so he is a bit creepy without a face but I'll get to that! *GOSH* THE PRESSURE!

Now the Manos sweater...WELL I did tell Meg that I was going to finish that up last night BUT then I had to work on a presentation for work. And as you know, typing and sewing don't happen together! BUT tonight! tonight! shall be the night! (errmmmm Maybe)

OK now get yourself over to Mossy Cottage Knits and wish Ms. TMK a very happy birthday!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Oh Baby!

So many of you are great guessers! So great that you got the secret project correct!

I've knitted up a baby raglan sweater and hat for my soon to be born cousin. We do know the baby will be a boy but I knit the sweater in a neutral green just in case! I even found the cutest baby ribbon for the sweater's neckline at Nancy's Sewing Basket on Queen Anne.

I just can't wait to see this on a little baby's body! I know there will be lots of "SO CUTE!" being yelled by me but that is to be expected when there is a cute baby around with super cute baby knits.

As for other knits, I'm almost done with my bunny and the darn Manos sweater is being sewn up BUT tonight is it's night. I will be seaming and figuring it all out tonight.

P.S. I went swimming last night and there were no incidents. No one took my kickboard and I only had to pass someone once. Of course I was passed once too but that was o.k. since I was using the kickboard.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Weekend Recap

Ever have one of those weekends where you do stuff but basically you are just bored! BORED! That was this weekend for me but boy did I do stuff!

On Friday, I received my very own copy of the Harlot's book! On Saturday, I kept alternating between seaming up my sweater and reading this hysterical book!

Saturday was my last day with Roux and so he kept me company while I attempted to seam up my Manos Sweater. It is currently in timeout! I'm trying to figure out how to attach the hood!

Roux and I had a fun time though, we went on a run with Julie and her dog, Zubin. Roux was so happy and kept doing a pony leap run like he wanted to go faster and faster. Sadly for him, I do not go faster and faster! Actually I think it was better, one needs to ease into running!

Saturday night I got to visit a friend's house and somehow I made it there with no directions and only my wits for guidence! She made a Thai curry with yummy brown rice. And she showed us her photos from Thailand which were wonderful.

Sunday, I spent most of the day doing my espanol homework and reading. Before the last bit of light left, I went on a run with Mot which was really nice. It felt good to stretch my legs. When we were about a block from her place, we noticed a car had driven over someone's lawn and barely nicked their house! There were cops all around and a tow truck pulling the car out. Made me wish I had my camera with me for a photo! Poor people!

Then today I found out that Jack (one of the Yip Yips I watch) was attacked by a 100lb. Husky! It was touch and go for awhile but Jack's Dad said he is doing much better. My poor baby!

Tomorrow, revelation re: the secret project! It is so cute!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Guessing Game

Welcome to "What is Supergirl Knitting?"

Based on the photo below, guess what I am knitting! Please leave your answer in the comments (I am not savy enough to figure out how to do a poll!)


*It is green.
*I am knitting it out of cotton.
*It is a fast knit and I am almost done.
*Once complete, it will be a present.

Last night, Roux had Zubin over for a play date. Oh the fun they had! There was wrestling, running and sneak attacks! Roux actually hid and waited for Zubin to walk by so he could ambush him! It was hysterical but I think all the fun wore Roux out! I caught him sleeping!

Thursday, April 07, 2005
Super Roux

Roux's Mum is out this weekend at a conference and so I get to spend time with ROUX! We've already had a good time. There was an ear flopping walk around the neighborhood with cat spotting, other dog sniffing and the bestest sniffing ever of a fire hydrant.

Then we headed in where I watched "Lost" and cried and cried. THAT was an episode! Lost sucks me in and leaves me with so much emotion, be it shock, fear or sadness. Favorite Line: "I've never been good at letting go." I can relate to that! Mot received her life's message in a fortune cookie, while I received mine from a television show. The world gives us direction in the way we'll best understand.

On Monday when I wrote, I promised to talk about Mot and I's trip to Uwajimaya and I neglected to write about it on Tuesday!

On Sunday, Mot asked me if I wanted to go to Uwajimaya with her It is like visiting a foreign place without leaving the city. I love it! Uqajimaya is located in the International District of Seattle and boy! is it international! You can hear many different languages and purchase products from around the globe though most of their goods come from Asia. One of the more interesting items I found was the Kraft Processed Cheddar Cheese Product located next to Pate from Australia!

click on photo for larger view


OK, now go check out my "Hot" entry for Photo Friday!

P.S. So Laurie had a great idea! Look for a contest tomorrow about my secret project! There will be a prize involved!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I have a strong ability to avoid what I don’t want to do and last night it appeared that I did want to seam my Manos sweater. Oh I did one sleeve but after that, I lost my will to seam and started knitting a new project. Yep, one that isn’t even listed on the sidebar BUT I have a good reason for that. I’m keeping this one a secret!

So back to the sweater, in order to distract you from that fact that I am very close to having an FO I will be showing you the sweater blocking!

There! Are you distracted?

Last night, I had to miss Purly Girls due to my Spanish class. It was OK though because I really like my Spanish class. Once class was done, I made myself go swimming and I am very glad that I did. I worked very hard on my stroke technique and was having a great swim when rudeness struck. **RANT** I have a HUGE pet peeve about people taking my stuff at swim practice. Before I start swimming, I get my floaty (for working on arm strength) and my kickboard out. I place both of them at the end of the pool for MY use. Well I’ve noticed that some swimmers think that I have left these items at the end of the pool for their use. This is not so! Now the floaty does belong to me and so far, no one has tried to use that because if they did, I would FREAK out! I bought my own because you place it in between your knees and I don’t want my floaty between anyone else’s knees. Blah! But the kickboard belongs to the pool and so it is not labeled with my name like my floaty. I guess this provides the signal to people that they can use the board even if my flip-flops and floaty are ON TOP of the kickboard (I make a neat little pile at the end of the lane so people can put their neat little piles next to mine and we can share the space). So anyway the point of this rant is that I had one lap yet and I like to end my swims with a lap on the kickboard. I get to the end of the lane and grab my floaty to get the kickboard when I discover the kickboard is being GONE! I was so mad. I did some deep breathing and told myself that rude people get the bad karma they deserve and that I would not be a rude person. I then swam my last lap very quickly and passed the kickboard stealer! I did say out loud as I was gathering my things that it was so distressing that my kickboard was missing. The culprit looked a bit nervous since she knew she had done me wrong. **RANT OVER**

So then after swimming, I headed home and knit along on my secret project. It is coming out rather well though I do have some questions about the pattern. I then headed to bed much too late. This daylight savings time thing has messed me up! I keep thinking it is earlier than it is which is making me sleepy. Whew!
Monday, April 04, 2005
Weekend Review

The weekend is never long enough to accomplish all that I want to do! And I always end up wasting so much of it (which is very enjoyable).

On Saturday my friend Andi (Mother of Roux) had a birthday celebration which of course meant, PRESENT TIME! So after thinking and thinking, I decided to create a "Roux Photo Album" for her. I found a photo album at Pottery Barn and then made my way to the stamp store where I found a cute little frame. Inside, I placed various photos of Roux, all of which made me giggle. He is a fun dog!

Here is how it turned out:

Andi said she loved it! And the party was SUPER fun! I had a really, really good time!

I also spent some of the weekend (between family visits) knitting on my rabbit. It is almost ready for the seaming!

Tomorrow, a review of Mot and I's visit to

Uwajimaya! It is like visiting a foreign place without leaving the city. I love it!
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