Thursday, February 15, 2007
Jolly Ole England

Things will be quiet around here for the next two weeks as I head off to England tomorrow morning. I fly out tomorrow morning and fingers crossed the weather in New York will be ok and there won't be any delays.

Have fun and keep up the knitting while I'm gone.

Destiny will be keeping an eye on the blog while I'm out and about.

Yarn on a Cat
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
On a Finishing Streak

I've been busy on a finishing streak and last night I kitchenered the toe shut on my Jitterbug socks.

Jitterbug Socks

I love these socks and can't wait to wear them all over England. I'll be grabbing more of this yarn as soon as possible!


Project Details:

Pattern: Jitterbug Sock Pattern
Yarn: Jitterbug by Colinette
Gauge: 30 sts x 40 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Things I would change: I'd make the cuffs longer but otherwise, I love this pattern!

I also accomplished another 101 in 1001 task which you can read about here.

47. Organize my filing cabinet and throw away old papers

Happily Organized!
Saturday, February 10, 2007



Hourglass Sweater - Big

This weekend, I accomplished two near impossible tasks. I finished my Hourglass Sweater and my Jellybean Pillow.

For some reason, these two projects had become huge insurmountable tasks for me to accomplish.

Jellybean Pillow Front

I couldn't finish knitting the intarsia and the thought of tacking up the seams on my Hourglass Sweater brought me to tears.

I sat myself down and had a heavy discussion with me. I said that I had to tackle the intarsia and that I had to tack down the seams. Also having Jessica read the instructions to me helped oh so much since I guess actually reading the instructions proved too difficult a task!

Hourglass Sweater - Closeup

After some long nights of knitting, I finished my Hourglass Sweater and my Jellybean Pillow. Sadly for the pillow, the drama was not yet finished. I discovered that I had actually knit the pillow cover too BIG for the pillow form I already had. I knew this was a potential hurdle, thrown up to see if I could take on the task which I did. I laughed in the pillow form's face and purchased a larger one, one that fits my pillow case. Then with the help of Carrie and other Village Yarn and Tea knitsters, buttons were selected and sewn on. Crisis diverted!

Jellybean Pillow Back

5 days until England!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Accomplishing the 101

I've been hard at work on my 101 in 1001 list and spent some time updating my list last night.

Since my last update, I have completed the following:

Manufacturer's Photo of my New Timbuk2 Bag
70. Buy a Custom Timbuk2 Messenger Bag
After much thought and discussion with Mot and Meg, I ordered my new Timbuk2 bag. I love it already and can't wait to use it. This will be a wonderful addition to my bag collection. I've included the manufacturer's photo here as my photos do not show my new bag in her best light.

Destiny Inspects the Yarn
97. Use my $50 gift certificate to Knit Picks
When I was sick last week, I decided to go shopping at Knitpicks and got some great yarn. My yarn arrived last night and Destiny quickly began her inspection.

External Hard Drive
69. Buy an external hard drive
Last weekend, I headed over to Radio Shack and picked up this external hard drive. It has 400 Gigs of space and was a steal at $100. Another item off the list!

Blood Bank
29. Donate Blood
I headed over to the blood bank with my Dad earlier this month and gave over a pint of the ole blood. It was just as easy as I remembered.

The entire 101 in 1001 set can be found on Flickr.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Project Spectrum Project

Project Spectrum Socks

I've started my Project Spectrum project. Originally I was going to knit a scarf for each of the Project Spectrum portions but I soon remembered that I had this beautiful black, grey and white sock yarn that would be ideal for February/March. I did cast on for these in January but now that I've decided that these will be my Project Spectrum project, I am now driven to finish them by March 31st.

I have a trip in 8 days to England so I forsee some extra knitting time on the plane in order to finish these up!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Thoughts on Yarn

February 6, 2007

I have this yarn and I love it so much. I love smelling it, rubbing it and thinking about what a beautiful lace shawl/scarf it will become. For some reason though, I have been unable to cast on for this project. Now usually I have no problem starting projects, my main problem seems to lie with finishing those projects.

I do wonder if my avoidance to casting on for this project stems from my recent "Get It Done" binge where I seem to be finishing unfinished projects.

or maybe I just can't bear to part with this special, beautiful yarn.

I did however finish the Le Slouch hat for my hairdresser last night. I however opted not to do the seed stitch pattern and went for a basic st st pattern. I think she'll enjoy this version a bit more.

Sorry for the crappy photo, it was the best one taken way too late last night.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Daily Photos

Daily Photo Mosaic

All the photos I've taken each day in 2007. I'm already having so much fun!

All my photos (daily and otherwise) can be found on Flickr.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Project Spectrum Begins

Project Spectrum begins today and I am super excited! I plan to do a photo essay for every two month period where I will focus on each color individually. I have also planned to knit a scarf for each one of the color periods which ties in quite nicely with my 101 in 1001 goal of knitting myself five scarves. Now I need to go and decide what scarf pattern to knit in blue, white and gray!

The Project Spectrum Colors are listed below:

February / March

Blue, White, Gray

April / May 

Green, Yellow, Pink

June / July

Red, Black, Metallics

August / September 

Brown, Orange, Purple

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