Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blades of Grass

Scene from a Saturday Night

Over the weekend, I decided to knit up three blades of grass for Scott's windowsill. His cat's grass sits in the other windowsill so the knitted grass makes me laugh.

Grassy Grass

I used this pattern for my little art installation.

Grass Drying


Blades of Window Grass

Close of Grass
Friday, September 28, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

September 27, 2007

A shot from last night's Brews and Views at Hula Hula in Lower Queen Anne.
Monday, September 24, 2007

Self Portrait Tuesday -- Bathrooms

September 24, 2007 (Self Portrait Tuesday - Bathroom)

This last and final week of the Bathroom theme shows me soaking in the tub with my book, "Mister Pip". It is a delightful book.

Winthrop = More FOs!

Showing off the FO

This past weekend, the girls and I headed up to Winthrop for a girl's weekend of crafting, reading and relaxing. I went with two goals - 1) finish the damn purple sweater and 2) seam up Arnie the knit bird. I knew I could do it since I was still on a high from finishing my Hilltop Wrap earlier in the week.

Arnie and the Shawl

Since the Damn Purple Sweater holds the name of Damn Purple Sweater, I decided to finish Arnie up first.


He was a joy to seam up even though I found the directions to be a bit unclear. Luckily Mara was around to agree that they were confusing.

Flying Arnie

Later on Saturday night, I decided it was time to attack the Damn Purple Sweater and I told Meg that I was going to Pin the Crap out of it! And so I did.

Badass Rebecca

It was pinned almost to death!


And by the end of Saturday night, I had accomplished my goals! I had seamed the Damn Purple Sweater. Now Meg and Jessica can leave me alone! This brings my UFOs down to 9 items. Whooo-hoo!

Finished Damn Purple Sweater

I liked Winthrop. I accomplished my goals and was able to acquire an awesome hat. I want to wear it all the time.

Damn Hell Bathroom Winthrop
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Scribblings -- Hi, My Name is...

Hi, my name is Supergirl.

It became my name after I started doing triathlons, knitting, writing, photographing and all around doing. People told me I was super, that I was a Supergirl and the name stuck. It's a name that makes me laugh because while I do think I'm super, I don't think I have the amazing powers of a Supergirl.

Being thought of as super isn't as hard as one would think. It enables you to mock yourself when you do something so un-super, like tripping over a curb. Supergirl is graceful, I am not.

I do like being Supergirl. It's a good name. What's your name?
Friday, September 21, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

September 15, 2007

This photo is from last Saturday when Scott and I headed down to Oregon to visit his Mom, Niece and Nephew. I love his niece's boots. I want my very own.

Tonight I'm off to Winthrop for a crafting weekend with the girls. I can't wait to get some finishing done!
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Harlot Days

Almost a week ago, The Yarn Harlot came to Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park for a talk.

Yarn Harlot

The Yarn Harlot spoke about C.H.O.K.E. - Cultural Humiliation of Knitters Everywhere and had me laughing until I thought my sides might split.

Yarn Harlot Crowd

It was great seeing all the knitters gathered around on a Friday night to hear Stephanie.


Even the littlest knitters were there.

Meg at Yarn Harlot speech

Meg taped the talk for the Seattle Channel. I can't wait to see her story.

Sasha Saver

And Sasha saved me with a clip! I said to Sasha on Friday night that it would be great if I had a clip or something to hang my knitting pattern from. Sasha, being the great Mom she is rummaged around in her bag and produced, A CLIP! Awesome! I was able to knit, knit, knit on my wrap.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Self Portrait Tuesday - Bathroom

Self Portrait Tuesday -- Bathroom

Washing Up on Self Portrait Tuesday in the Bathroom.
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Collector Personality

She dusted around them and beneath them. She had so many of them. She guessed she could be called a collector personality but could you have a personality that collects things if you only really collected one kind of item in particular?

She'd really have to organize all of them one day, put them together with her other ones that were similar or looked alike. She could put them in cute little boxes and label them or stack them high on her selves, selves that lined the wall from ceiling to floor.

The collectibles had really just gotten out of control and then they kept moving themselves around. If she wanted one of them on the third shelf from the right, then she did not appreciate when she came back into the room and they had removed themselves to the couch. There just wasn't room for any more of them on the couch!

Her friends did not understand her obsession with collecting all of them. She didn't understand how her friends were without the same kind of collection as her. She just didn't believe that you could go out and home just one. They needed to be taken care of by her and there were so many out there that she wanted to collect.

"Meow!" shouted one of her collectibles.

"Oh! I put up on that shelf for a reason," she cried as she placed that cat back on the top shelf. "Now stay there!," she reasoned with it. "I need to tidy this place up and all of you collectibles are getting out of control."

September 9, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007

Eye Candy Friday

September 11, 2007

A glass of Tapena Tempranillo makes all Fridays sweet (this photo was taken on Tuesday though when I had the wine but ummm I want more).
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

UFO Check-In

I feel as if my entire focus has becoming finishing my UFOs so that I can start a new project. It is a vicious cycle.

So far I've completed the Irish Hiking Scarf and the Baby Hat. I also ripped out the Dublin Bay Socks since the yarn wasn't playing nice. This leaves me with 14 items to finish.

Hilltop Wrap

Finish Knitting up!
1. Hilltop Wrap -- I've been knitting on this all week (breaking the 48 hour rule because I can't help myself) and am down to two skeins. I have a long drive down to Portland this weekend, I see knitting and finishing coming up soon!
2. Kidsilk Scarf
3. Touring Wrap
4. Harry Potter Scarf
5. Chevron Scarf
6. Alterknits Scarf/Shawl
7. Scoutj Knee High Socks
8. Project Spectrum Cabled Socks

Items to be assembled:
1. Louisa Harding Plush Toy
2. Clothspin Bag
3. The Darn Purple Sweater
4. TKGA Master Knitter I

Items to deal with later:
1. Mitered Square Blanket
2. Mariah

The process
Must finish UFOs so I can start knitting a new sweater or two!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Self Portrait Tuesday - Bathroom

Self Portrait Tuesday - Bathroom

This month's theme at Self Portrait Tuesday is the "Bathroom". I love to take baths. I could take one every single day if possible.

I have decided to get back into doing Self Portrait Tuesday and Sunday Scribblings, so look for those on the blog!
Friday, September 07, 2007

Eye Candy Friday


A picture from my New Mexico adventure! More can be seen on my Flickr site.

Finally Finished FOs!

It was a busy knitting weekend in New Mexico. I was energized with the desire to get a few of my 17 UFOs off my plate and I did!

5 Year Baby Hat

First off, I finished up a hat I started knitting almost 5 years ago. It was supposed to be for a former co-worker's premature baby (mind you that job was two jobs ago!). Now the challenge will be finding a baby to slap this hat on. Shouldn't be too hard, it seems everyone is pregnant!

Mot models the Irish Hiking Scarf

I also finished the Irish Hiking Scarf which Mot quickly wrapped around her head in the 90 degree heat. She's a goof!Of course I had to follow suit. I'm a copy cat!

I wear knits!

I loved knitting this scarf and found it to be a beautiful simple cable pattern. Of course you'd think differently if you saw my notes!

Irish Hiking Scarf Notes

Lots of scribbles and ticks there.

I think the Irish Hiking Scarf enjoyed New Mexico as I found it lounging outside in the desert sun later that evening.

Finished Scarf

And after careful discussing with Mot, I decided to rip the Dublin Bay Sock. Not because I don't love the pattern but because I did not love the pooling that STR was developing with this pattern. I need to stash dive for a different sock yarn and then I will cast on again because this is a wonderful pattern.

Dublin Bay Socks
R.I.P. Dublin Bay Sock

So for anyone counting this brings me down to 14 UFOs and I plan to tackle a few more this weekend! PS Both of the above FOs were accomplished using the 48 hour plan. It totally works! I knit faster because I felt that I had a deadline. I need deadlines.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Home Again

New Mexico Cross

I'm back from New Mexico where I spent a wonderful weekend with my best friend remembering why we are best friends.

I grew up driving through New Mexico, hating the dust, the starkness and the overwhelming heat. Going back showed me all those things I had too harshly judged.

The desert holds its own kind of beauty. One where the sun sparkles as it sets, one where white sands appear far from the shore, one where taking pictures makes your heart gasp in delight.

I'll be posting photos on my Flickr site for days and weeks to come. It will allow me to continue re-living a great weekend.

I not only took over 500 photos (not all will be posted, come on!) but I also accomplished quite a bit in my UFO knitting pile. That will be tomorrow's post because inspired FOs deserve their own special treatment.
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