Thursday, March 27, 2008

Supergirl's Guide to Decluttering

I was watching Oprah last night and she was talking about hoarders which got me thinking about ALL the stuff I have which isn't at a hoarding level but seriously is too much. Due to my move, I have been decluttering lately and I laughingly told a friend that I was going to market my technique. It's a stressful one but it works! I swear!

Day 87 (87/366): Moving Time

Supergirl's 10 Step Guide to Decluttering*

Step 1: Lose your job
Step 2: Look for work for months
Step 3: Finally agree to move back into your parent's house and move most of your belongings into storage
Step 4: Start housesitting a lot and find a job
Step 5: Meet boy and begin dating him
Step 6: Agree to move in with boy who lives in a ONE BEDROOM CONDO
Step 7: Begin emptying out your storage after 4 years.
Step 8: Yell that you have too much CRAP (A LOT)

Day 87 Outtake

Step 9: Donate or sell most of your crap
Step 10: Move belongings in with boy and live happily along.

I'm currently stuck between Steps 8 & 9 but I can see Step 10 coming along shortly. It's actually quite freeing to be getting rid of so much stuff. I still have way more than the boy thinks is necessary but I've gotten rid of so much so I feel pretty darn good.

*This is a MULTI-YEAR project that may take 3 or more years to accomplish.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March Goals Check-In

Day 90 (90/366): Let's Bring in Some Color!

One of my March Goals was to clean out my closet which is also one of my 101 in 1001 goals.

I feel a bit like I'm cheating on this one but I have cleaned out my closet since I'm moving. The new closet is being carefully sorted and assembled to prevent the pile-up of the last closet. I look forward to being able to reach into my new closet without having things fall on me.

Most of my other goals have fallen by the wayside since I started the moving process. Moving just takes up so much of your time and when you are also de-cluttering like me, it takes up a lot of time. I keep telling myself that it will all be great in a few weeks and that I just need to have patience.

Here is a status report on my March goals:

1. Read all unread Bill Bryson books (The Palace Under the Alps and Over 200 Other Unusual, Unspoiled, and Infrequently Visited Spots in 16 European Countries, Down Under, The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way, Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States, Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words)-- Moving this to finishing by May 31st.

2. Complete the Master Hand Knitting, Level 1 program -- I've been working on this goal and I hope to mail in my packet on April 15th.

3. Knit two socks at once on two circular needles -- Yea, this will have to wait. I have a great book on how to do it but I just need some time to dedicate to it first.

4. Make an emergency preparedness kit for my car -- Another item that will need to wait but I will have it done by May 1st.

5. Knit a sweater for me! Finish the Central Park Hoodie -- New Deadline - May 16th

6. Finish the Clapotis and mail it off for the Knitter Project -- DONE!

7. Eat 5 Fruits & Veggies every day for 30 days -- I've been tracking this and doing well most of the time. I have 6 days left in the 30 days.

8. Track my food every day for 30 days -- I've been tracking this and doing well most of the time. I have 6 days left in the 30 days.

9. Take a Pilates class -- On Hold for now
Monday, March 24, 2008



Ever since I saw a Flickr Friend using his Yashica 124G, I've been wanting one but people pay way too much money for them on Ebay. I finally got a great one at a sweet price on Ebay and I couldn't be more excited. The Flickr Friend, he has said he's show me the ropes.

Interesting note about the Yashica is that the first SLR I used was a Yashica 35mm. My Dad still has it. He just needs to get batteries and we'll be back in business.
Friday, March 21, 2008

Eye Candy Friday

Unfilled Pothole

The mayor has declared open season on the city's potholes and promised to fill them within 48 hours. I reported this one on Monday and it is now Friday. I'm sad to report that it is still a pothole.

More information here.

Pothole Time
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Tale of the Washing Machine and a Very Bad Thing

Day 74 (74/366): Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair

Sunday night after putting together the dresser, I decided to finish up the laundry. I like the start the week off with clean laundry and a tidy house. The tidy house bit will wait a bit until I'm done moving but the clean laundry seemed like an easy task to tackle.

Look Ma! I mades some art! (November 9, 2007)

So I grabbed my clothing off the floor and stuffed them into the washing machine. Somehow along the way, my Original Clapotis ended up in the wash. It did not survive its soapy trip very well and is now much felted.


So I ordered the exact same yarn in the exact same color to make a new one and I'm trying to remember that the Original Clap did see four great years of wearing. I'm just sad because it should have seen 20 great years of wearing if I hadn't been so careless. Grrrr!

Full Clap


I'm on Seattlest today with a photo that I am seriously in love with.

Irish Elvis

And yes, he saw me taking the picture and held his pose just that much longer for me. Thank you Irish Elvis!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Celebrating in Green

On Saturday I met up with the Seattle Flickrittes for the St. Paddy's Parade. This year it didn't rain and the day was extra special since it was the day that Scott and I first met last year.

I staked out a place on the curb and took out my telephoto lens and began snapping photos as the parade made its way down 4th Avenue. My favorite photo from the bunch is this one:

You Smelt it

I love that she looks like she smelled something very unpleasant! I keep laughing whenever I look at this photo.

And in knitting news, I've started another Clapotis in Smooshy Sock Yarn (Colorway: Happy Forest). I am loving this year and I think a thinner Clapotis will be really nice. Also I might be addicted to this pattern.

Smooshy Clap

Tomorrow: What happens when you don't pay attention to what is going into the washer.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Volunteer Dishclothes

Larissa asked if people could knit some dishclothes up for her current art project and I quickly jumped on board!

Square for Larissa

Today I mailed it off to join the rest of the dishclothes.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

El Fin de Clap


On Saturday night, I wove in my last end and finished the Clapotis for the Knitter Project. I loved knitting my Clapotis again and already have plans to knit yet another one that I can have and wear sooner since this one will be heading out to Philadelphia later today.

Clapping for Finishing

I have a fair amount of yarn left so I'll need to figure out what to knit with that in my everlasting attempt to decrease my yarn stash.

I'm not done yet

I do so love the Clapotis and participating in the Knitter Project was fun! I like that I can look back at my tags to see what I was doing. I watch way more television than I thought!


Finished Clap
Friday, March 07, 2008

Eye Candy Friday

Simply Breakfast

My breakfast today was simply delicious on this simply wonderful Friday. My company has gone to half day Fridays which means the office closes at 1 p.m. and I get to frolick all afternoon! I can't wait.
Thursday, March 06, 2008

Taking Pictures

While I've been obsessively knitting for The Knitter Project, I've also been keeping up on my photography and my daily 365 photos of moi!

Last night while Scott was complaining of boredom (see this is why I knit, I'm never bored!), I assigned him the task of coming up with a cool shot for my 365, which he did.

He suggested that I get behind his silver blinds and shot the flash to reflect off my eyes. I worked on my expression and hiding the remote trigger. For some reason, I kept my trigger in about 25 of the 27 shots I took. Then I processed my photo and proudly posted it onto Flickr.

I think our collaboration turned out quite good!

Day 78 (78/366): Private Eyes

Private Eyes are watching you.
Monday, March 03, 2008

March Goals

Day 75 Alternate (75A/366): Blown Out
I like the idea of having monthly goals and putting them out there for the world to see. I have a few left over from last month and they will be at the top of my list this month along with a few additional goals. Number 7 & 8 will be at the top of my list as I've fallen off the weight loss track and really need to get back on that track.

1. Read all unread Bill Bryson books (The Palace Under the Alps and Over 200 Other Unusual, Unspoiled, and Infrequently Visited Spots in 16 European Countries, Down Under, The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way, Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States, Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words)

2. Complete the Master Hand Knitting, Level 1 program

3. Knit two socks at once on two circular needles

4. Make an emergency preparedness kit for my car

5. Knit a sweater for me! Finish the Central Park Hoodie

6. Finish the Clapotis and mail it off for the Knitter Project

7. Eat 5 Fruits & Veggies every day for 30 days

8. Track my food every day for 30 days

9. Take a Pilates class

10. Clean out my closet
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