Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Robots and Bunnies


Recently through swissmiss, I found an amazing sketch artist, Alex Noriegas. I can't stop looking!

Seriously if I was a robot, I would totally do all of these things.
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekend Sewing: Toiletry Bag


I decided to tackle a project in Heather Ross's "Weekend Sewing" this weekend. I pulled out some of my ants marching fabric and gathered up my supplies to make the Toiletry Bag.

Weekend Sewing Ant Bag

The bag was a bit fussy to make but I did learn what the zipper foot looks like for my sewing machine and how to use it.

Weekend Sewing Tolietry Bag
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Super Secret Squirrel Pillow Making

Quilted Amy Butler Pillow

Last week, my friend Amanda came over to teach me all about quilted pillow making. She has some super secret techniques and I was her guinea pig for teaching them. She had a syllabus and told me about the history of log cabin quilted squares.

Pillow Close-up

I learned about rotary cutting safety since as Amanda put it, I "was about to cut off a finger or something!" I had such a fun time making this pillow.

Amanda's reward for teaching me was some homemade beans. I feel as if it wasn't a fair trade but who am I to argue!?!

Pillow Back

I can not wait to make many, many more of these pillows.

Quilted Pillow

FBS Completion

FBS Blue

On Sunday evening while catching up on Dollhouse (I am really enjoying this show, seriously!), I weaved in my final end and sewed on some simple buttons for the February Baby Sweater.

Finished Baby Sweater

This sweater is for one of Scott's dearest friends and I can't wait to send it to him and his wife. Scott pronounced the sweater to be re-donkulously cute and I have to agree. I love making this sweater and get so excited when people have girls because it means I can knit this sweater!

I am planning on making the February Baby Hat as a matching piece and have gathered some basic onesies to send too. Of course now I'm thinking that I might want to sew something onto the onesies to cuten then up. I'm not sure what I'd sew on but maybe just a simple little fabric patch?
Thursday, March 19, 2009

May Babies Bring February Baby Sweaters

February Blue Baby Sweater in repose

One of Scott's dear friends is having a baby girl in May. Before I could stop my knitting fingers, they started twitching and I now have a beautiful February Baby Sweater on the needles.


I love this pattern for all of it's pithy directions and for the loveliness that seems to fall off one's needles. I hope to knit up a lovely February Baby Hat and some booties to go along with this sweater. It really all depends on how long the yarn holds out.

February Blue Baby Sweater yoke
Monday, March 16, 2009

Pillows Pillows Pillows Everywhere

YIP.72 Decorated Couch

Yesterday afternoon, I finally finished up the fourth and final pillow for the new couch which arrived in November.

Fourth and Final Pillow

Now my sewing skills are not perfect but I am so in love with how these pillows turned out! I think they are just *perfect*!

Fourth Pillow Backing
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Foxy Hat

Day 71 (71/365.2) Foxy Lady

I've been promising my co-worker hats for his two adorable sons. I am finally delivering on this promise by actually knitting the hats. I finished the first one on Saturday which is a FOX hat and I love it! The pattern comes from Carey Huffman of Full of Fluff.com

Foxy Hat


Pattern: Ear-a-ma-jigs - Fun hats for babies and kids by Carey Huffman
Size: Child
Needle: US 7 / 4.5 mm
Yarn:Cascade Yarns 220 Wool, 0.5 skeins of Colorway 2414 and .1 skeins of Colorway 7822
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

30 Days of Shredding Update

So far, so good! I haven't died doing "The 30 Day Shred" even though I have screamed some naughty words at the TV during the workouts.

I started Level 2 yesterday and while I thought Level 1 was challenging, Level 2 is twice as challenging. I can only imagine that Level 3 will be three times as challenging.

The workouts are good and hard. I burn about 200 calories in the 26 minute workout and I bet I could burn even more if I could move faster. Needing to breathe is getting in my way of moving faster though.

I must admit that I am getting bored with the workouts though. I usually switch up my workouts on a daily basis so doing the same workout for 10 days straight has been hard. Yesterday was definately more fun due to the new workout but I just know that I'll be bored with it by the fifth day of doing the same workout.

I'm looking forward to being done with the 30 days of working out with this video. I will continue to use this workout just not on a daily basis.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sox Progress

Socks in Progress

The Year of the S(ox) is well underway and I've gotten really good at starting socks. I currently have three socks on the needles. In my defense I did finish one of the socks on the bus today and I did cast on for the second sock in the pair so I'm narrowing it down.

The Grey socks are my Malabrigo socks and I am really enjoying the yarn. However I've had to rip back to the ribbing on this yarn twice. The first time the socks were so tight that I couldn't get them over my feet. The second time I mis-knit so badly that the only way to save them was to start over.

The Green socks are my March socks in Jitterbug. I'm doing a very basic simple sock pattern and it is going quickly. The drive from Seattle to Portland and back this weekend provided me with great knitting mileage.

The Pink socks are the Child's First Sock by Nancy Bush. I'm nearly at the heel and I am also loving this pattern. I do not however love that I have to concentrate when I knit this pattern. Oh well, challenging is good.
Monday, March 09, 2009

Patchwork Pillows

Finished Pillow

I've been busy decorating our new couch since we got it back in November. So far I've made three pillows and a throw for it. I still need to make one more pillow before I'll consider the entire process to be complete.

Patchwork Assembly

The latest pillow was made from Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts. I used silk as the strips between the cotton pieces of fabric.

Patchwork Sewing

Pillow details

I do like how the pillow turned out even if it was a bit too snug causing the back to remain open a bit.

Pillow Back
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