Sunday, January 24, 2010

Running with Madame Fluffybottom

Sir Cupcake

I've started back into my running routine and I'm always left wondering why I ever let it fall to the wayside. I love running. I love it with all of my body and soul.

Now lest you believe that I am a gazelle-type runner who glides by you on the sidewalk with barely a wisp of air passing you by, let me dispel that rumor right now. I am a slow, lumbering runner who more likely resembles a rhinoceros running than a gazelle.

But none of that matters because when I am out there lumbering along, I feel alive. I feel the wind gliding past me. I feel my legs stretching out ahead of me. I feel my spirit lifting up high and it is those feelings that embody my love for running.

I also like how all worry and doubt flies out of me when I run, leaving me with contentment and peace. I like the early morning runs when the streets are quiet and the people are asleep. I enjoy bursting through the streets while dreaming of bacon and coffee.

At the end of the run, what I really, really like is being done. I like it when my muscles ache and my joints are a little looser.

Sir Sugar Fluffy Bottom

And I like that I can enjoy a cupcake without guilt when I run. And I really like cupcakes.
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bone-Yard Shawl

Boneyard Current Status

I've moved onto my second shawl of 2010 and getting pretty puffed up with pride. I'm getting a bit over confident. I can hear myself saying, "I can totally knit 10 shawls in 2010. Bring on the real challenge, people!"

And yet, can I really knit 10 AWESOME shawls in 2010? I think that will be the real challenge, the one that keeps driving me forward through this challenge. I want to knit 10 shawls that I want to wear, that I look forward to showing off.

My second shawl is the Boneyard Shawl and it's already growing rapidly. It's a very easy pattern but one that is making (for me) a very classic wrap. I look forward to wearing this one. It's going to be a warm, cosy one. And yes, it is going to be awesome.
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Clothilde or THE First Shawl of 2010

Finished Shawl 2010

Last week, I finished Clothilde which is my first shawl in the "10 Shawls in 2010" Challenge.

Finished 2010 Shawl/

I really enjoyed this shawl until I decided to do the second Spearhead Lace repeat and then I just went into competitive, get it done overdrive which really is the opposite of what I wanted to do. I want to enjoy knitting each of the 10 shawls while also completing the challenge. I do get very competitive, very fast so I guess this isn't to be expected. Best part, I was only competing against myself. Oh the insanity.

Clothilde Lace Detail

I enjoyed the Malabrigo Sock in Aqua that I used for this first shawl but I still have about an ounce of yarn left. I've thrown it into my partial sock skein pile which is growing. I've been using the left-over skeins for a Barn Raising Quilt but it goes slow since I haven't made many squares.

I've now started two more shawls because only have one on the needles at a time is logical. I'm working on the Boneyard Shawl and loving the Rowan Felted Tweed along with Citron. I love the feeling of the Malabrigo Baby Lace on my hands. It's going to create a great feeling shawl. I'm also doing it in the same colorway as the pattern. I loved that color too much and when I saw that my LYS had some, I snatched it up.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Haiti,

YIIP: Day 8

You've had so much heartache and trouble for so long. And then yesterday you were dealt the harshest blow of all, a 7.3 earthquake. Our hearts weep for your pain. Our hearts reach out to help you through this tragedy.

Here are six ways you can help Haiti by Chris Sacca. I'm especially partial to Partners in Health, Dr. Paul Farmer's organization. I read Mountains Beyond Mountains a few years ago and couldn't believe how much work Dr. Farmer has done. So now it is our turn to go out and help Haiti however we can.
Monday, January 11, 2010

Engagement Photography Fun


Photos by Baisa Fotograferie

Scott and I recently had an engagement photo session with our wedding day photographers, Baisa Fotograferie. We visited the Seattle Outdoor Sculpture Park, the Seattle Public Library and the W Hotel. All of these places hold special memories for us and so we were excited to have them documented.

Photos by Baisa Fotograferie

I wasn't 100% sure what one did on an engagement shoot but Jackie was great about letting us know what we needed to plan for and gave us all sorts of poses to do. In return, we showed her our silly sides and ended up having a day of laughter and fun.

Photos by Baisa Fotograferie

We completely lucked out with a beautiful sunny day for our shoot so I guess my bargaining with God really paid off! It was great to work with Jackie and Rick before our actual wedding day. I can now say that they will take great photos of our special day and I'm so excited that they will be there to document it. I highly recommend doing an Engagement photo shoot. It will give you a chance to work with your photographer before your big day. It's a great time to get to know then and gives them a chance to get to know you as a couple. Luckily for us, Jackie is a friend but since I had never worked with her on a professional level, this was still a great opportunity to figure out her working style.

Jackie even wrote up a great blog post about her day with us. I think she had fun too! You can read the blog post here

Photos by Baisa Fotograferie
Monday, January 04, 2010

2010 Knitting Challenge

Year of the Sox Stack

I like goals and challenges. I like striving to reach some lofty goal that appears insane.

Last year I decided to make 2009 the Year of the S(ox) according to the Chinese calendar. I still have a few weeks left on that goal as the Chinese New Year isn't until February 14th. My goal was to knit 12 pairs of socks for myself. I've knit 6 solid pairs so far and have three more in the works. I'm hoping to get at least two of those done by the 2/14 deadline which means I will have knit 9 of the 12 required pairs. Now while I won't make my goal, I'm still pleased with what I've accomplished. I learned some new things and have a full sock drawer now.

Clothilde Day 3

This year though, I've decided to hook my wagon to the 10 Shawls in 2010 group on ravelry.

On January 1st, I cast on for the Clothilde shawl and set to knitting. I'm about 75% done with my first shawl and I'm so excited for this project. I am going to have to take a short break from it when I finish Clothilde so I can finish my sock challenge.

You can follow my progress on Ravelry or on Flickr.
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