Monday, February 27, 2012

Three Months with Molly

Keeping it real!

Dear Molly,

We've graduated from the fourth trimester! You are getting so big and active. You've discovered your hands and find it delightful to pass the time looking at yourself in the mirror. Your "words" have really expanded and it almost feels like you are having a conversation with us. Pop Pop and I spent hours just playing with you.

Molly - 13 Weeks 
This month, I feel that we have conquered your hatred of tummy time but that might be due to your new skill of rolling. You don't do it a lot and you can only go from your tummy to your back but you ROLL! You also love to "stand up" and I bought you a Bumbo chair, just so you can sit. You could spend hours sitting in that chair. You don't because I worry that it would be bad for you to sit in the chair for that long. I worry about a lot of things but not nearly as many as I thought I would before I became your Mother. Your chill attitude has helped me stay laid back and calm (ish).

We attended a baby story time session at the local library and you had so much fun. We'll be going back as much as possible. There was song singing, hand clapping and of course book reading. The half hour passed very quickly and you were ready for more. You were quite fascinated with the other babies.
Surfer Baby

You are an amazing sleeper (I may be struck for saying that but you really are). You tend to sleep from 11 p.m. to about 6 a.m. most nights. I've noticed that you only wake up in the middle of the night during a growth spurt when you need more milks to grow big and strong. You don't nap very long during the day but you do take consistent naps. I'm just happy that you like to sleep because sleep is so very important.

You and I are building a routine which is good for both of us. Twice a week, we have Grandma over after her outpatient rehab sessions. The two of you usually nap but it is nice to have her over. Grandpa loves picking her up because it means that he gets to spend time holding you. That man LOVES you so much and loves holding you.


Pop Pop and I are settling into this parenthood gig. We still can't believe that we are somebody's parents but we are so happy to be your parents. We can't wait to see what this next month brings. You are growing up so fast and we are trying so hard to enjoy as many moments as we can before they slip past us. We love you so very much.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Damn Green Socks


It's an amazing day! The damn green socks which took me over three and a half years to knit are finally finished. OK Let's be honest, the first sock took me a few weeks to knit but the second sock took me three and a half years to complete.


Even Molly thinks three and a half years is much to long to have knit on a sock but she's fascinated by the bright green color.


As soon as the socks are dry, I plan to wear them until they have holes in the heels. Then they can go to my darning basket where socks go to retire as I never do get around to darning their heels.


Thursday, February 09, 2012

February Update for the Doubleknit 2012 Finish, Frog, & Slog-along

Green Apple Socks

February has arrived and I'm still working on those darn green socks. I'm completely sick of the lace pattern so it's hard to make myself work on them in my limited knitting time. I did turn the heel so I have only the leg portion of the sock to complete which is I believe 5 repeats of the lace pattern.


Along with finally finishing the darn green socks this month, I will be working on my Shedir. It's been a challenging pattern for me and I've been working on this hat for a very long time. I feel almost as it if it is my knitting Mt. Everest.

Molly Marian Cowl

And because I need mindless, easy to finish pieces, I made myself a Marian Cowl out of Rowan Polar which I call my Molly Marian Cowl since I knit most of it while holding Molly.

Marian Cowl

Last month I made no progress on my Mitered Square Blanket but I'm fine with that. Heck, I may not finish the blanket this year but I hope to finish all my other projects! I currently have 8 WIPs and since I WILL BE FINISHING the darn green socks this month, I'll be down to 7. Easy Peasy! Now the hard part will be stopping myself from starting new projects with all my pretty, pretty yarn.
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