Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Ski Season



The girls started ski lessons at the beginning of January and Molly dove right in with love. Maggie, on the other hand, hates skiing. She did two lessons and declared herself done with it. Molly did four lessons and made awesome progress. She learned how to turn and stop which are amazing skills. Next year I'll have her do lessons and then go skiing with me. We still need to get her up on the chair lift!


I was also able to get back up on the slopes after a 15 year absence. It was so much fun and I talked all about it over at Seattle Refined - Re-Learning to Ski, 15 Years Later. I quickly remembered what I loved and hated about skiing! 


There were moments of fun and periods of sadness but overall, our first adventure into skiing went really well. I'm going to give Maggie more time to adjust and see if she comes around. Otherwise, Molly and I will ski while Scott and Maggie stay home. 







Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week in Review 1. 21.18


Another week, another ski session. I had so much fun flying down the slopes and I am no where as sore as I was last week. In fact, I'm heading out for a Reformer Pilates class in a bit since I'm feeling good. Also let's be honest, I signed up on Classpass and forgot to cancel last night so I have to go or pay a penalty fee. It will be worth it though! 



I got in 5 
workouts this week! I did three 
boot camp classes, a barre3 class and I went skiing! It was so much easier this week and I got to do a few runs on the magic carpet with Molly. I'm hoping to be able to ski with her next winter. We have one more ski lesson class to go so I have one more day of skiing I can do. 

Last year, I did 217 workouts in 2017 with my gym. The best gym owner ever gave all of us a prize for completing the challenge and I love it. It reminds me that "Anything is Possible" every time I look at my wrist. 



The kids decided to reject almost every meal I served this week but I didn't care because it was all so good! By the end of the week though I had swerved off our menu plan and ended up ordering take-out a few too many times. Oh well, next week is another week!


The Girls

Maggie ended up skipping ski lessons this week. Scott needed to stay home due to a procedure earlier in the week so I left her with him and drove to the mountains with Molly. It was so much fun skiing with her. I dropped her off at lessons and while she was learning how to stop, I took a few runs. It was snowing like mad and everyone was out on the slopes. Molly conquered the Magic Carpet and made the hill her own. She is really doing well. 


Maggie is doing so well at swimming and was even moved up to the harder group in her lessons. She isn't happy though since she now has a boy teacher so I told her to stop swimming so well which made her laugh. She also randomly asked to ride her scooter to pick-up Molly the other day so now I have high hopes for a summer of wheels! 


Other Goings On

It felt like a really busy week even though we had Monday off and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I spent a good portion of Wednesday clearing out my paperwork pile of doom. I got it down to a 1/3 of its former self. Now if I could only make myself get caught up on my work receipts for taxes. BLERGH! 

Strawberry Picking

Stories Published

Seattle Refined: Move Over Hygge, It's Time to Lagom!
Seattle Refined: You Can Do It: Become a Morning Person
Seattle Refined: A Beginner's Guide to Snowshoeing
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Week in Review 1.13.18


The second week of January is in the books and it was a good one. We continued to work on getting back into the routine and I went to bed way too early most nights. The January darkness always means I go to bed early this time of the year but I am just embracing it and being cozy. 



I got in 5 
workouts this week! I did three 
boot camp classes, a barre3 class and I went skiing! I haven't skied in over 15 years but it was seriously like riding a bike. It was so awesome. I did about 5 runs before I needed to be back for my kids from ski lessons and then did a few Magic Carpet runs with Molly. It was fantastic. My calves are cramping up and I'm so tired but it was AMAZING! I plan to go again soon. Being able to go skiing totally made up for my canceled snowshoe trip. I was supposed to go up snowshoeing with someone I know from my gym. I was SUPER excited and then a HUGE storm came in and we had to cancel. It was the best choice but I was so excited about snowshoeing. 




I kept pretty close to our meal plan this week and watched my food spending. Maggie and I did go out for our Friday sushi date but it is her reward for getting through speech therapy. I also got a meal kit from Amazon Fresh since they had them on sale. It's one of my favorites and makes a hearty meal for two lunches. 


The Girls

The girls are getting back to school and loving it. I've been working a lot with Molly on her sight words but she is just not into it. My newest "trick" is to do legos with her and have a sight word break every so often. 

Molly loved ski lessons again and Maggie hated them again. I think next week, I'm going to just take Molly up. Maggie is not liking them and I'm tired of dragging her around. 


Other Goings On

I'm still going strong on my Morning Pages for the Artist's Way and got through the tasks and did an Artist Date this week. It feels really good! 

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Week in Review 1.7.18



The first week of January was awesome with some crap mixed in. I started The Artist Way and have a great Facebook support group going. I started reading the Bible which is one of my goals for the year and even crossed off one item from my 18 goals. I almost crossed of a second but that is a story for later in this post. 



I got in 6 
workouts this week! I did one CorePower Yoga Sculpt, three barre3 classes and two boot camp classes. I got back into working out hard core this week. I was ready to leap back in after my almost two week break. I loved every class and every movement. I also got an Apple Watch for my birthday which helped fuel my excitement. I love data and encouragement which means the watch is perfect for me. I love it when it vibrates and shows a picture to say that I've closed one of the three active rings - Movement, Exercise and Standing. I was able to close all my rings everyday last week which made me happy. 





We leapt into the new year looking to reduce our food bill and food waste. I feel like we are on the right track this week. I grocery shopped with thought and am trying to only buy what we need and then consume what we have planned to eat. My chickens are complaining about the reduced scraps but my wallet is pleased. I also made risotto in my instant pot using Melissa Clark's Dinner in an Instant and it was so damn good! I can't wait to cook more from this cookbook. It's amazing! 


The Girls

The girls had a rough re-entry into school and routine but it was so good to get back into it. We started back on Molly's sight words and reading after taking a break due to holidays and sickness. There were many rough times over the week but we ended with huge success. The girls started ski lessons this week and while the beginning was rough, by the end, they were loving it. Maggie left her lessons early but I think she was tired and hungry. Next week I'll be packing her full of food and making sure she has warmer clothing. I also think the ski boots aren't the best for her but really ski boots kinda suck. The girls are also skiing with their cousin so after lessons we headed back out to the mountain for them to practice together. My brother used to be a ski instructor so he was able to help the kiddos out and encourage them to practice their skills. 



Other Goings On

I crossed off one item from my 2018 goals though which made me happy. We've had an empty frame in the bedroom for quite awhile and I selected a photo, printed it out and put it up on the wall! It was actually quite simple but there were a steps which felt cumbersome such as ordering photo paper and heading downstairs to print the photo. None of it took very long but it all added up. 

In other news, my new dishwasher was delivered by not installed. GAH! My old dishwasher caused some water damage to our cabinets and while we plan to upgrade the kitchen, that is a few years out. I did however need a new dishwasher (and it is a goal of 2018 to get one). The guys couldn't get it in the slot and said we need like 1/8 to a 1/4 of an inch more room. My brother is going to bring over his belt sander and see if we can make some room. EEP! I'm crossing my fingers that this all works out without further issue and then we can replace the cabinets in a few years. 

Image: Snoqualmie Summit Facebook Page

Stories Published

Seattle Refined: The Best Places for a Snow Adventure near Seattle 
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