Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Fridges, Art and Hippie Food are This Week's Links from Around the Web


Inside Sprinkle Owner, Candace Nelson's Fridge - OK, I admit it, I'm SUPER nosy and I love seeing what other people's fridges look like. And I don't think I'm the the only once since fridge reveals are a thing. 

The Power of Art - The Untouchables by Cuban artist Erik Ravelo are a series of photos of children crucified for his supposed oppressors, each with a different reason and clear message. This art speaks. 

A Future without Him - Raising kids when one's husband has died. 

Hippie Food - I can't wait to read this book! 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

January/February Book Report


January was a slow month for reading but in February, I took off! I think four airplane flights (two of which were 12+ hours) helped up my reading numbers. I think not having access to social media really helped me up my reading. There is a lesson to be learned there. I've been detailing my thoughts on Instagram under #reebeckireads if you are looking for more immediate book details. 

The only book I read in January was “Lagom” by Linnea Dunne. I'm interested in a more minimalistic but fulfilled lifestyle. I always want to know how other cultures achieve this. Lagom which means “not too little, not too much” and is a Swedish way of living. I liked this book and all the ideas it gave me for life along with recipes, decorating and crafting. While I haven't dug into a lot of the ideas, it has certainly been an inspiration for me. 

The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin was immediately compelling. I was hooked from the first line and wanted to know what would happen to the children she was telling a story about. The premise of the book is four siblings go to a fortune teller who predicts when they will die. The story follows them from this pivotal moment to their actual deaths. It is fascinating and beautifully told. 

The Year of Less by Cait Flanders fits into my desire for simplicity. Cait Flanders decided to try to live with less for a year and severely limited her shopping to achieve this goal. She spends the book detailing out, month by month, what her rules were and how she achieved her goals. It was inspirational and made me think about what I could do to live with less. 

The Grave's Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley brought one of my favorite characters, Flavia deLuce back into my life. Unfortunately I didn't love this book as much as I've loved his last ones. In this book, Flavia and her sisters stumble upon a dead body while out on a boat trip with their faithful servant.  Their father has recently passed and their ancestral home is under threat of being sold. Flavia devotes herself to solving the crime of who murdered the young man they found in the river while trying to figure out her own future. 


I am a Gretchen Rubin fanboy so I've been slowly working my way through her books. Happier at Home is her follow-up to The Happiness Project which I loved. I really like how Rubin's books inspire me to try for greater happiness. Overall, I am pretty happy but could I be even happier? These books help me find out how and give me ideas on how to do so. 

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes has been on my list FOREVER. It was recommended by both my creativity group and by a friend but I was so hesitant to read it.  I'm sad that I resisted for so long because it was amazing. I think I might be a bit like Rhimes in that I say No too often and don't say Yes to opportunities. It made me think about how I can say Yes more and No less. Because sometimes amazing things come from saying Yes. 

I kept checking this book out and then never reading it so on our last trip, I made a point to check it out again and READ IT. I'm so glad I did. Wonder by RD Palacio tells the story of a boy born with a deformity that has caused him to be homeschooled and undergo many operations. He is now better but will never be "normal" and is ready to go to a regular school. He is staring the 5th grade which as we all know is brutal for any kid. Augie's determination and wonder at life get him through the year and he becomes an inspiration for many. 

Promise Not To Tell by Jayne Ann Krentz is February's book section for Seattle Refined's Refined Reads. I'll be honest. I wasn't too excited about this book. The cover felt like trashy murder mystery but after about 5 pages, I was HOOKED. This book details the story of a potential murder which is tied to a cult and a horrible fire that took place when the characters were just kids. It is well told and based in Seattle. I really enjoyed this book and plan to read more of Krentz's other books. 

Yearly Book Total: 8

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means if you buy something from a link, I receive a very small percentage back. 
Monday, February 26, 2018

Week in Review 2.24.2018


The girls and I spent the first half of the week in San Diego with my best friend and her kids. The week started out a little harried as we rushed to the airport and plane before our pilot hurt himself and had to be replaced. Eep! 


The second half of the week was much slower which is good as we really lived most of February at FULL THROTTLE FUN. I feel like March might possibly be a bit slower but then again, I'm not good at slowing down. 



The first half of the week was exercise light and I was ok with it. I did get in three great workouts at the end though. I did one boot camp class, a barre3 class and an extended ride with CityCycle.



I made sure to get some great tacos in San Diego and made a stop at Communal Coffee. It was just as awesome as I had hoped. The girls were great about letting me indulge my food cravings. Of course, they got to make requests too. Mainly they liked having my friend cook for them. I ordered food from Acme Kitchen and Farms for our return so I didn't have to think about what to buy at the store or what to buy. Acme sent me food and recipes. It was a win-win! 



The Girls

The girls had a great time in San Diego. They really enjoyed hanging out with my friend's kids and were obsessed with her baby. They also were so stoked to go to Legoland. I told them they were super lucky kids. We used the remaining days of Mid-Winter Break to get in some dental visits (no cavities!) and to relax. The girls were great on our travels. 


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Week in Review 2.17.18

Most of this week was spent doing laundry and getting back to normal. It didn't work out so great. The house is trashed, we all slept poorly and this morning the girls and I fly down to San Diego to visit my best friend. Looks like we'll worry about getting back to normal when we return. 



I got back in the groove this week with exercise which is good as we are jetting down to San Diego this week which will once again throw me off my routine. I got in 4 workouts last week! I did two boot camp classes and two barre3 classes. It felt good to lift weights and move in a different way this week. I originally planned to do 5 workouts but opt-ed to sleep in on Friday which I feel was the best choice. I needed my rest after a week of poor sleep which sadly wasn't due to jet lag but was instead due to children, pets and other commitments. 



It felt good to get back in the kitchen this week. On Monday, I made the Lentil Detox Soup from Pinch of Yum and it was really good. The only thing I'd do next time is really bump up the spices. 


I also ordered one of my favorite Amazon Fresh Meal Kits - The Veggie Quinoa Bowl. I love it so much and it is pretty quick to make. It is a little high in the carbs for me so I'm thinking of how I can craft this same kind of bowl at home but with less carbs.


The Girls

The girls had some highs and lows this week. They settled back into school but had the worst time going to bed and waking up. Our mornings were rough! 


They jumped back into their after school activities and started a new swim session. They also really played with so many of their toys. I think they may have missed them! 


Other Goings On

I made excellent progress on my Nanoo shawl. I also stupidly ripped out a whole section that I thought I had messed up on BUT had not. BOO! Otherwise this week, I worked on some articles, avoided housework and drove my kids around the city. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week in Review 2.10.18


This week was Sydney, Sydney, Sydney! We had an awesome time on vacation and the kids have decided to move here. This is such a great city and my favorite part is riding the passenger ferries. They thrill me to no end. We also hit up Taronga Zoo which was awesome. You take the ferry to it and then climb aboard a gondola for a ride to the top. Then you work your way down, exploring animals as you amble back to the ferry. 



Exercise was much less about workout sessions and more about all day walking explorations. I walked over 16,000 steps most days. Our quiet day was 14,000 steps. I got in 4 days of over 18,000 steps so I'm counting those 4 toward my workout goal for the year. When we first arrived in Sydney, I was impressed at how fit everyone looked and now that I've walked everywhere while using the ferries to get around, I understand why they are so fit. They also appear to go to workout classes all the time. This is so my city! 



Food in Australia is expensive but it is some of the most delicious food I've ever had. The hotel breakfast buffet has been my morning happy place with fried eggs that have the most yellow of yolks, amazing chicken sausage, fresh fruit, sautéed mushrooms which Maggie consumed by the bowlful and fresh crumpets. It was seriously delicious and my breakfasts at home are not going to be able to compare. 


I've had a few mushroom burgers that blew my mind. Betty's Burgers had a fried mushroom burger with melted gouda and gruyere cheese that was sinfully delicious! We also had Japanese burgers with seaweed wraps from Gojima that were just perfect. I had a chicken burger wrapped in fried rice and seaweed. They also had sushi burgers but Scott said the girls and I were about to OD on sushi so I went for something different. Our first burger was at Grill'd and while it was good, it wasn't the best one I had all week. Grill'd is a healthy burger place so the emphasis is on fresher foods which is good. They also have a ton of Gluten-Free options. Actually gluten-free friends would eat well in this city as everything is well labeled and the options are endless. 



The Girls

The girls have been AMAZING this week. Yes, we have had a few melt-downs and their listening ears have not always worked but overall, they walked miles and miles, greeted each adventure with a smile and charmed the people of Sydney. 


Poor Molly was stung by a Blue Blubber Jellyfish while out at Manly Beach. She was pretty brave once she got over the initial sting. The lifeguard told us to wash it off with fresh water so I poured water all over her leg. Then we went for a walk to a saltwater pool where I encouraged her to swim. Speaking of swimming, the girls have been in swim heaven. They have swum almost every day at the hotel pool, spray park or in the ocean. 


The girls have been up for adventures every day, all day long and I love that about them. They have plowed through when their feet have hurt and their skin was too hot. They encouraged me to feed them ice cream for lunch way too many times and it has been a lot of fun. 


I have discovered that my kids are not shy but that Maggie could learn how to better approach people. Her current method of just yelling, "YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" isn't really working so well. We've used this week as a good exercise in learning how to introduce yourself to strangers while being kind. 



Other Goings On

This week has been a dream vacation for me. I've always wanted to go to Australia and now I'm here! I've been koalas at two zoos and even got to pet one! I sailed many a ferry through Sydney and could do that all day. I've eaten the most delicious food and had a great time. I really hope I'm able to come back and can visit Melbourne and Bisbane next time. This is a lovely country and there is so much more to see. 



Saturday, February 03, 2018

Week in Review 1. 27.18 & 2.3.18


I missed last week's review so I'm doubling up! We had a fun last session of ski lessons and I skied for almost three hours straight. It was pretty awesome! We also hopped a plane to Sydney, Australia! This is a dream trip for me and I am so excited about our adventure! 



I got in 5 
workouts last week! I did two 
boot camp classes, a barre3 class, went skiing and did a Studio 45 workout. This week I got in 3 workouts. I went to a City Cycle class, one boot camp class and barre3 class along with a good walk on Saturday in The Blue Mountains. I had way fewer classes this week because of our trip to Sydney! We spent over 16 hours on a plane so fitting in a workout was a big difficult. 




Scott was home last Monday so Maggie and I took him to our favorite Poke place. He was impressed with the food and impressed with our vast knowledge of poke. Maggie likes her raw fish! 


Otherwise, the week was spent trying to eat the remaining food from the fridge. I did do an Acme Kitchen and Farms order which was perfect and provided us with delicious meals for the last few days before our trip. The food in Sydney has been amazing and EXPENSIVE! We need to figure out some places to grab a cheap meal because while I enjoy a great meal, it is going to be too much money if we eat this way all week. 


The Girls

The girls had their winter showcase dance with ballet school. They both were adorable and both said they wanted to change to Hip Hop dance. I said that was not happening this year but maybe next. 

The girls did amazing on our 15 hour flight. We left on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and flew to Vancouver. Then we had a longer layover in Vancouver before getting on our flight to Sydney. The girls settled right in and after having second dinner on the plane, they both went to sleep. I caught a few zz's before they woke up and entertained themselves for the rest of the flight. I was really proud of them. It was a long haul but they did it. 

Other Goings On

I've been busy packing, knitting and writing. Planning for a long transcontinental flight with my kids has been intense. All my planning paid off though so it was worth it. The biggest thing this week was that I GOT TO PET A KOALA! My 8 year old self was obsessed with Koalas and Australia. OBSESSED. That 8 year old girl was so happy today. My kids just didn't understand and did not respect my Australian Nursery Song singing. I know them all! 


Stories Published

Seattle Refined:  Re-Learning to Ski, 15 Years Later
Rebecca Mongrain's Blog © 2013.

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