Thursday, February 28, 2019

Monthly Goal Check-in (February)


February was quite the year in Seattle! We had almost two weeks of snow which meant a lot of missed school for the kids and then mid-winter break! The girls and I traveled down to San Diego to visit my best friend and her kids. It was an awesome time! March's focus though will be about getting back to our routine and schedule. My kids thrive on a schedule so I'm looking forward to some regularity. 


2019 Goals

  1. Workout 219 times in 2019 - I amazingly got in 21 workouts in February which I found unbelievable due to the snow messing things up. I'm now at 52 workouts for the year which means I have 167 to go! 
  2. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle  - I'm at 84 rides with a goal of my 100th ride happening in late March. 
  3. Obtain and keep Inbox Zero - I worked on this as much as I could with the kids around. I'm now diving deep into 2015 and circling in on this goal. 
  4. Do NaNoWriMo This is a November goal so I won't be working on it until November. 
  5. Knit 12 Accessories for charity - I knit a super cute hat for February. 
  6. Get a new chair for the living room 
  7. Complete an embroidery sampler - I did not work on this yet. 
  8. Organize the girl's memory boxes - I started organizing these and hope to finish this in March. 
  9. Run/Walk a mile a day for a month - DONE! DONE! DONE! I ran/walked a mile everyday in February through snow and ice and rain and blistering cold wind. I did it! 
  10. Get window coverings for the basement windows 
  11. Knit a sweater for myself - I selected a sweater, knit approximately 1 million swatches and bought the yarn for my sweater. I cast on and knit a few rows. I'm excited about this project.  
  12. Complete the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge- I have read XX of the 12 books. 
  13. Finish the two quilts I have partway done - I have not started this goal.
  14. Sew a piece of clothing for either myself or the girls - I have not started this goal. 
  15. Replace the upstairs light fixtures - I have not started this goal. 
  16. REPEAT GOAL: Read War and Peace - I started reading this and look forward to making more progress
  17. REPEAT GOAL: Read the Bible - I've been doing my daily reading.
  18. REPEAT GOAL: Finish my Miter Square Blanket - I did not work on this goal. 
  19. REPEAT GOAL: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - I am about halfway through Maggie's Year One book. 
  20. Bonus Goal: Paint the Upstairs Bathroom - I did not work on this goal. 
  21. Bonus Goal: Knit Nanoo - I did not work on this goal. 
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week in Review 2.9.19


In the last week, Seattle has been hit with three snow storms with two/three more on the way. I may have chosen a bad month for my 1 mile a day challenge. However, I'm still getting out there even if more of my runs have been like quick walks. People do not seem to shovel their walks here or put out a bit of salt so they have been icy and slick. I'd rather not risk a fall. 



Even with the snow storms, I've been working to get some workouts in. I ran/walked every day this week and did two City Cycle rides, one boot camp along with an at home workout. I've been working to get it in and it has been challenging!  




Due to the snow, our food deliveries were delayed or cancelled. Along with the rest of Seattle, I ordered food from Amazon Fresh on Wednesday and went grocery shopping on Thursday morning. With the threat of new snow in the forecast, I am honestly a little concerned that we don't have enough food to sustain us. Most importantly, I need more vegetables! 


The Girls

Molly went sledding with our neighbors yesterday and thought it was the best thing ever. She had a blast and came home exhausted. Maggie said she couldn't go as she would be cold and freeze. 



Other Goings On

I've been spending a lot of time cuddled up in my bed with books and my knitting. It has been nice to slow down but I'm also itching to get back to our regular routine which may not be happening for awhile. I fear I may be spending a lot of time with my children in the next few weeks. 

Thursday, February 07, 2019

February Goals


I dove in hard in January and really tackled my goals which felt amazing! I completed 8 out of my 10 goals and made serious progress on my other two goals. I kept my goals pretty realistic and focused on them daily which helped a lot. 

Here is how I did on my January Goals:
  1. Tackle the City Cycle Challenge of 4 rides a week for 4 weeks - DONE! 
  2. Workout 22 times - I got in 31 workouts! 
  3. Work on InBox Zero - I got through all of 2018! 
  4. Knit an accessory for charity - I knit some really cute fingerless gloves.
  5. Get window coverings for the basement windows - I did this and some of the windows upstairs and it makes me so happy!
  6. Get a new chair for the living room - This has been a great addition and I also got an ottoman to go along with it. Everyone loves this chair. 
  7. Work on the girl's memory boxes - I worked on them but did not finish up the process. It is a mess!
  8. Get Maggie's Year One Photo Book done - I started this but did not get it done. 
  9. Get the basement set-up - This is partly done. There is still lots to do. 
  10. Complete the Declutter like a Mother challenge - DONE and it was fantastic! The house is in a much better place than when January started. I still have lots to do but it feels so good. 

Here are my goals for February. I'm pretty excited about tackling these. They include both 2019 goals and some monthly specific goals. I like to keep these monthly goals to 10 with a mix of far reaching goals and some very easy, specific ones. 
  1. Workout 26 times in February
  2. Finish Maggie's 1 year book
  3. Work on Inbox Zero - through 2016
  4. Knit a hat for charity
  5. Finish organizing the girl's memory boxes
  6. Run a mile a day for the month of February
  7. Start knitting a sweater for myself
  8. Start reading War and Peace
  9. Finish the squares for my Miter Square Blanket
  10. Make Molly's Year 2 Photo Book
Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Monthly Goal Check-in (January)


Hello from Snowy Seattle! January was a sunny, bright, mild month and February is showing up with snow and gusty wind. I tackled my goals with a vengeance in January and made a bit of progress in my yearly goals. 


2019 Goals
  1. Workout 219 times in 2019 January - I got in 31 workouts in January which means I have 188 workouts to go! 
  2. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle  - I'm at 75 rides with a goal of my 100th ride happening in late March. 
  3. Obtain and keep Inbox Zero - I worked on this every single day in January and am down to a page of current emails with all 2018 emails deleted or archived. I'm feeling good! 
  4. Do NaNoWriMo This is a November goal so I won't be working on it until November. 
  5. Knit 12 Accessories for charity - I knit some really cute mitts for my January accessory. 
  6. Get a new chair for the living room - DONE! And we all love it! Especially Lewis. 
  7. Complete an embroidery sampler - I did not work on this yet. 
  8. Organize the girl's memory boxes - I started organizing these and hope to finish this in February. 
  9. Run/Walk a mile a day for a month - This is in my February goals! 
  10. Get window coverings for the basement windows - DONE! My windows look so good and I feel so grown-up. 
  11. Knit a sweater for myself - I think I've selected the sweater and am planning to start this in February. 
  12. Complete the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge- I'm making awesome progress on this goal and have read 4 of the 12 books. 
  13. Finish the two quilts I have partway done - I have not started this goal.
  14. Sew a piece of clothing for either myself or the girls - I have not started this goal. 
  15. Replace the upstairs light fixtures - I have not started this goal. 
  16. REPEAT GOAL: Read War and Peace - I read the first page! 
  17. REPEAT GOAL: Read the Bible - I've been doing my daily reading.
  18. REPEAT GOAL: Finish my Miter Square Blanket - I did not work on this goal. 
  19. REPEAT GOAL: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - I am about halfway through Maggie's Year One book. 
  20. Bonus Goal: Paint the Upstairs Bathroom - I did not work on this goal. 
  21. Bonus Goal: Knit Nanoo - I did not work on this goal. 

Monday, February 04, 2019

Week in Review 1.26.19 & 2.2.19


This has been a busy, busy month. January felt like a year in just 31 days. I went to a third eye doctor about my issues on Martin Luther King Jr. day and she agreed with my Neurology Ophthalmologist. I'm now wearing distance glasses when I drive or watch movies and my double vision has significantly decreased. I was thrilled that my various doctor appointments were done and then I went to the dentist. Turns out I have some major teeth issues and need a root canal among other issues. So now I have multiple dentist appointments! I'm so (NOT) excited! I also am the proud owner of a water flosser since it turns out my flossing is subpar. 



I've been keeping up my exercising as it really makes me happy. I completed January's City Cycle challenge of 4 rides every week for 4 weeks on Saturday with the most amazing ride. It was good. I'm now working toward my 100 City Cycle ride goal with a deadline of late March. I'm at 75 rides and if I keep up 3 rides a week, I'll make it. I've also been doing some Barre3 and boot camps. On Friday I also started my goal of running one mile a day for a month which I will accomplish in February. The current snow might mean some altering but at the end of February, I'll have run at least 28 miles! I'm at 35 workouts for my 219 workouts in 2019 challenge. 




We've been enjoying so many of the Acme Food & Kitchen Whole30 meals while not eating entirely Whole30 at all. I do love the increase in vegetables. I'm working on upping my vegetables and this has been helping. I am still taking in way too much sugar because it is my true love. SUGAR! 


The Girls

The girls have been busy with school and activities. Molly is taking skateboard lessons and working through gaining confidence. Both girls are also working with me on reading lessons. Molly is in need of some extra help and Maggie felt left out so I've been doing extra reading with them every day. It's been really good! They like that for every 10 lessons, they get a small prize. It might be selecting our lunch place, doing something as a family or even a small toy for under $10. The prizes drive them to keep learning. 



Other Goings On

I've been busy KonMari'ing the house and loving it while also setting up the basement. We had our new couch delivered on Saturday and womp! womp! two pieces don't fit through the door. Luckily for us, our neighbor is a contractor and he is going to come over this week to help out. 
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