Sunday, April 14, 2019

April Goals


March was good. March was also weird due to a lot of dental work (for me), vet visits (for the cats) and the flu (for Molly). I accomplished a lot on my goals but was left feeling like I could have done more and like I did a lot. 


Here is how I did on my March Goals:

  1. Workout 24 times in March - I did a crushing 27 workouts!
  2. Finish Maggie’s 1 year book - Nope!
  3. Work in Inbox Zero - I'm down to less than 200 emails!
  4. Finish organizing the girl's memory boxes - DONE!
  5. Finish the squares for my Miter Square Blanket - Nope!
  6. Do Molly’s Year 2 Photo Book - Nope!
  7. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle - DONE! I crushed this goal! 
  8. Knit March's Accessory for Charity - I knit a cushy cowl
  9. Read 125 pages of War & Peace - I got to page 70 so good?
  10. Finish setting up basement - It's 95% done with the amazing help of my family!
  11. Knit the Murnong hat #makenine - Done and if only it was cold enough to wear. 

Here are my goals for April:
  1. Workout 16 times
  2. Finish Maggie’s 1 year book 
  3. Achieve InBox Zero
  4. Start the 100 day project - Finish the squares for my Miter Square Blanket 
  5. Do Molly’s Year 2 Photo Book
  6. Read 150 pages of War & Peace (up to page 275)
  7. Knit April Accessory
  8. Finish setting up office
  9. Knit Squad Mitts #makenine
  10. Start an embroidery sampler
Monday, April 01, 2019

Monthly Goal Check-In (March)


Most of March felt like recovery from February. I tried to focus on my goals and made some good in-roads but I also felt a bit drained. I am proud of what I accomplished though and I did workout a lot which I am really enjoying right now. There was also a weekend spent in nature and while I'm not a fan of camping, I do think getting out into nature more often is good for my soul. 


2019 Goals
  1. Workout 219 times in 2019 - I got in 27 awesome works which brings my total to 79
  2. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle - I conquered this goal! It was amazing doing my 100th ride and I'm ready for 100 more!
  3. Obtain and keep Inbox Zero - I am down to less than 200 emails in my box. Many of them I need to print out for Maggie's memory box and archive them. I'm super pumped about this goal.
  4. Do NaNoWriMo This is a November goal so I won't be working on it until November.
  5. Knit 12 Accessories for charity - I knit a bulky cowl in March. It is going to keep someone warm!
  6. Get a new chair for the living room
  7. Complete an embroidery sampler - I did not work on this yet.
  8. Organize the girl's memory boxes - I did this! I got this done! It took the whole season of Russian Doll and four straight hours but I did it. I do need to just keep up on it monthly now.
  9. Run/Walk a mile a day for a month
  10. Get window coverings for the basement windows
  11. Knit a sweater for myself - I've started this project and just need to knit a lot on it.
  12. Complete the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge- I have read 5 of the 12 books.
  13. Finish the two quilts I have partway done - I have not started this goal.
  14. Sew a piece of clothing for either myself or the girls - I have not started this goal.
  15. Replace the upstairs light fixtures - I have not started this goal.
  16. REPEAT GOAL: Read War and Peace - I am at page 70 and finding this to be a complex meaty book!
  17. REPEAT GOAL: Read the Bible - I've been doing my daily reading.
  18. REPEAT GOAL: Finish my Miter Square Blanket - I am making this my 100 Day Project with goals for each 30 days. I can not wait to finish this albatross around my neck.
  19. REPEAT GOAL: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - I am about halfway through Maggie's Year One book.
  20. Bonus Goal: Paint the Upstairs Bathroom - I did not work on this goal.
  21. Bonus Goal: Knit Nanoo - I did not work on this goal.
  22. Bonus Goal: Read 50 books in 2019 - I'm currently reading book 15!
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