Sunday, May 16, 2004
Happy Birthday Matya!

Today my best friend turns 29 and all I can think about is how I've known her since we were 12 years old, since we were gawky teens with metal in our mouths and funky way too high bangs. We were the queens of the high bang. We've seen each other through embarrassing moments, the glimpse of new love, the heartache of lost love, moments of screaming words and moments of forgiveness. It's not often that one acquires a friend who you know will always be there no matter how much you screw up or how rotten you are to them when you are just feeling mad at the world.

The back of this reads “Two geeks at Old Faithful”

I was looking at a photo we had taken in Yellowstone National Park during college and I remembered with a huge smile how we made a potential disaster into one of our funniest moments. I worked in the park during college and one summer, Mot came out to visit me. We took off from Mammoth Hot Springs where I was living to visit Cody, Wyoming. We made it as far as Lake Yellowstone where we had stopped to get chocolate dipped apples when my car’s starter died. Of course we were worried because this was a national park, not a city where a mechanic is nearby and hotels are abundant.

Somehow we got a mechanic to take the car off to be fixed. Next came the problem of finding a place to stay for the night. Luckily since I was an employee, we were able to get a room in the hotel for the night. Of course, the car troubles were the funniest thing in the world to us and we literally fell down laughing in front of the hotel doorman (this is the “fancy” hotel in the park) and almost pee’d out pants laughing in the hotel manager’s office where we had gone to request a room. He kept getting up to check on things and we’d start laughing. He’d come back into the room to find us wiping tears from our eyes.

We ended up having the best time and in the morning walked to the mechanic (past a rather large moose) to pick up the car and heading off to Old Faithful and the rest of the park. We spent time at Lake Yellowstone eating Wonder Bread and Peanut Butter, pretending to chase Buffalo and coming up with schemes on how to stay longer. No friends like these are hard to come by.

Through the years, we’ve had such adventures from skiing in blizzards, to flying off cliffs into bushes (that was me and Mot told me to stay in the bushes on the edge of the cliff so she could get a picture, luckily another member of our group helped me back up before any serious injury could happen) and making fools of ourselves on a daily basis. And it’s not many friends who would allow their friend to become obsessed with knitting and then allow that knitting crazed friend to take a zillion pictures of them modeling the newest knitted projects.

So on this day which celebrates the beginning of my friend’s 30th year, I feel so lucky to have found such a friend. One that I hope I can write even funnier things about when we are 75 and I’ve dyed my hair pink and Mot’s blue.

Happy Birthday Motty Potty!

We took this one a ski lift during a snow storm that eventually turned into a blizzard. We were so cold!

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