Friday, May 06, 2005

How did this happen? When I wasn't looking, Monica of Hollyweird Knits tagged me! So here goes:

Pick 5 of the following and then complete the sentences. Then pass it on to 3 more of your blog friends! But no tag backs!

The Premise (pick 5):

If I could be a scientist?
If I could be a farmer?
If I could be a musician?
If I could be a doctor?
If I could be a painter?
If I could be a gardener?
If I could be a missionary?
If I could be a chef?
If I could be an architect?
If I could be a linguist?
If I could be a psychologist?
If I could be a librarian?
If I could be an athlete?
If I could be a lawyer?
If I could be an inn-keeper?
If I could be a professor?
If I could be a writer?
If I could be a llama-rider?
If I could be a bonnie pirate?
If I could be an astronaut?
If I could be a world famous blogger?
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world?
If I could be married to any current famous political figure?

My Answers:

If I could be a painter? I'd teach children to paint and explore art.

If I could be a linguist? I'd speak 12 languages at once and use that skill to communicate peace around the world.

If I could be a librarian? I'd encourage children to read and be a bit like Nancy Pearl, famous Seattle Librarian

If I could be a professor? I'd complete research on famous historical locations which would change the future of the world.

If I could be a writer? I'd write books that made people cry with passion. I'd write like Cari of Dogs Steal Yarn. I'd be like Toni Morrison, Ian McEwan and Joyce Carolyn Oates.

Now for my tagging!

Curious George Knits, Ideaphoria and Stella!

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