Friday, June 17, 2005
It’s been so very long…

What a week! I have just been running at full force over here. Settling into the new job, recovering from Chicago, discussing Proust and swimming in Martha Lake (yep, still LOVING the wetsuit).

Millenium Park at dusk -- the children really knew how to cool off!

So Chicago, I promised a recap. Matya arrived on Thursday night and stayed with her sister-in-law who is in town working on a movie. It’s got famous people in it, sounds funny and I can’t wait to see it. Jen always works on the coolest movies! Liz and I met up on Friday at O’Hare and took the train into the city. It was the HOTTEST place I had ever been. We renamed the train, “SubHell” due to the amount of heat and sweating. Yes, I whined. Yes, Carolyn told me to shut it.

We spent Saturday shopping along the “Magnificent Mile” where I made sure to spend some quality time at H&M. Lunch was traditional Chicago pizza with more shopping in the afternoon. Saturday evening we ate at Berghoff Restaurant which Liz said reminded her of a German Denny’s. Then we met up with Jen again and headed over to the Excalibur for dancing until 4 a.m. My footsies were so tired!

Sunday brought a visit to the Art Institute of Chicago and lunch with Carolyn. Carolyn and I then headed over to the Knitting Workshop in Lincoln Park and a quick visit to Jamba Juice where we encountered some unique Chicagoans. We sat by the Lake and I really enjoyed the cool breeze!

That night, Matya, Liz, Jen and I had a traditional Brazilian meal which was delicious but very spendy. Monday was our last day and so it was spent packing and making one last stop at the Library.

And because I’ve not yet thanked Carolyn on the blog, here is the fantastic present I received from her BEFORE my trip to Chicago.

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