Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Creation of Lace

August 6, 2007

I've been watching Good to be Girl work on the Touring Wrap from the LYS tour and lusting after her beautiful wrap. Then I remembered, I bought that yarn at the same time Amy did and so with that, I found my yarn and cast on.

Close-up of Lace

I am in love with this pattern. I often come home after a long day and think, "I can sneak in just two quick rows." I think about my wrap when I'm driving to work, when I'm at work and whenever I'm away from my knitting.

Lacy Lace

I would be much further along if I could stop making so many silly mistakes. I did wise up and start using a lifeline which has already saved me once!


Lace Details


Shawl - Wrap


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have been trying to get this pattern, but can't. Do you have any idea where I can find it? I've checked Ravelry and the Waback Machine, with no luck.

  3. This pattern came from a yarn crawl from a now closed yarn shop. I don't think they ever sold it. I'm sorry I can't be of much help.

  4. @purplecatlady - I scanned this pattern in and added it to my project page on Ravelry...http://ravel.me/ReeBeckiSupergrl/ysb45 as my copy was getting torn up. I'm still working on this wrap but hope to finish it soon. It really is quite lovely.


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