Sunday, May 11, 2008

TKGA Master Knitting Level I


1. TKGA Swatch 1, 2. TKGA Swatch 2, 3. TKGA Swatch 3, 4. TKGA Swatch 4, 5. TKGA Swatch 5, 6. TKGA Swatch 6, 7. TKGA Swatch 7, 8. TKGA Swatch 13, 9. TKGA Swatch 14, 10. TKGA Swatch 15, 11. TKGA Level 1 Hat, 12. Rejected TKGA Swatch 12, 13. Rejected TKGA Swatch 14

I've been hard at work on my TKGA Master Knitting Level I swatches and writing. I've had to re-do a some swatches since I've taken over two years to work on this project and some of the requirements have changed. I heard that you can write in and request to submit your older, previously finished swatches but I decided to redo swatches 4-12 (the ones with the changes) since I know it will help me grow as a knitter. And I think that is the entire reason for doing this program.

I still need to complete the written report and swatches 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 16. My goal is to knit a swatch a night this week so I have them done. Then I'll go to Hawaii, get some sun and come back to review the swatches and re-do any that I deem are necessary to re-do while completing the written report.

The entire swatch set can be seen on Flickr or Ravelry

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