Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taco Tuesday

Taco Yum

Every Tuesday at my house is Taco Tuesday.  I love making Tacos. It's the same simple dish every Tuesday night but each time, with a switch of the protein, it's a completely different meal.

Taco Mushrooms

One of our favorite proteins is to fry up sausage with firm tofu and mushrooms. Add a bit of taco seasoning with olive oil and allow to warm until the sausage is cooked through. 

Taco Protein

The sides can also make or break Taco Night. We always have really good sour cream, avocado, cheddar cheese and veggies. I like to switch up the veggies. Some nights, it's spinach with caramelized onions and other nights, it's lettuce with scallions. 

Taco Fixin

Fill a corn or flour tortilla with the protein, veggies and cheese for a delightful Taco Tuesday meal.

Tacos for eating

1 comment:

  1. So what time should I be over? I do love a good taco and that my friend looks mouth watering...


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