Thursday, March 03, 2011

The Craft Cave

Craft Cave Mascot

In our new house, I have my very own craft cave. It's down in the basement so it can get a bit chilly but with a sweater and a quilt, it is a wonderful place to craft.

Craft Cave Fabrics

I have plenty of space to spread out which means the craft cave has gotten a bit messy in the past few months. I'm on an organizational kick though and this room is next on my list.

Craft Cave Rabbit

I also have a few projects that I need to finish up. I have enough blocks for three quilts. All I need to do is sew them together and get quilting!

Craft Cave Projects

I love my craft cave. It's a very good place to craft.

Craft Cave Inspiration


  1. I agree, it is a VERY good place to craft! :)

  2. Every artist and craftsman needs a room of their own, even if it is a bit chilly!


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