Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Gardening Dreams

Plants on the Kitchen Windowsill

I received Apartment Gardening: Plants, Projects, and Recipes for Growing Food in Your Urban Home in the mail this week and quickly dove into it. The weather outside isn't quite ready for gardening so I decided to take some of Amy's ideas inside. I now have three lovely herbs growing on my kitchen windowsill. And a hunger to start gardening outside.

As with Amy's previous book, Urban Pantry: Tips and Recipes for a Thrifty, Sustainable and Seasonal Kitchen, her newest book is FULL of great ideas, knowledge and some recipes. I highly recommend this book to apartment dwellers and non-apartment dwellers alike. I may have a big yard in which to garden but a lot of Amy's ideas are perfect both a big space and a smaller space.

Now if only the weather could warm up a bit and dry out a lot, then I could dig my hands into the dirt and start gardening outside! Until then, my kitchen herbs should keep me happy and content.

What are your Spring gardening plans?


  1. I love this idea! I have a large half wine barrel that I want to fill with herbs once it gets a bit warmer outside.

  2. stinkerbell8:49 AM

    love the pots... where did you you get them??

  3. I got the pots at IKEA. They had a bunch of different sizes and kinds.

  4. Funny...I have those same pots for kitchen herbs except I learned last summer they don't get enough sun in my kitchen window to do well. But they'll totally thrive in yours!


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