Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Decorating the Nursery

Ever since we found out that we're having a baby girl, my decorating senses have gone into overboard obsession! I love decorating and I love nurseries.

Current Status of the Nursery

Unfortunately the room is currently in a huge state of disarray. The cats have their food in there which needs to find a new home. Additionally I still have a few boxes that need to go to goodwill in the room and basically some other stuff that needs to be stored in the basement. This was our extra room when we moved in and we basically just dumped stuff in there. Now that stuff needs to be cleared on out! That rocking chair will be staying though! My mom used it when I was a child and now I plan to use it with my child.

baby girl nursery style at home

I've been collecting ideas from various sites and love the image above. Of course I saved the image and have no idea where I found it. All I know is that I LOVE it!

We've decided to paint the room Silver Sateen by Behr which is a nice grey color. It will also work if Oops both ultrasound technicians were wrong about the baby's sex.


My parents have already bought the baby's crib which is the DaVinci Kalani Convertible Baby Crib in white. The DaVinci Emily Crib is a top buy by Consumer Reports. I wanted a slightly different style and figure if Consumer Reports rates one style so highly, they must like the entire brand. I think this logic works. Yep, that is what I think.

We're also going to be getting the Hemnes Dresser which we'll use as a changing table as well as a dresser. Under the long window in the bedroom, we'll be placing an Expedit Bookshelf which we'll put on it's side so it can also be a small bench. I'll be sewing a foam pad for it. We have hardwood floors so after an exhaustive search, I've ordered a grey rug from Overstock.com who has amazing shipping prices!

As for decor, I have some beautiful artwork from The Black Apple that I'll be re purposing for the baby's room. I have three prints - There is the button collector, the Little Knitter and the Sugar Girl (not currently for sale so no link). Above the crib, we're considering adding this cute wall decal.

Stripy Quilt Idea

I also want to make a quilt for Platy and I'm leaning toward the above design in grey, pink and soft orange with white. I need to make my decision soon so that I can possibly finish the quilt before Platy comes.

The coming months will be busy getting the room ready for our little girl and I'm so excited! I can't wait to show the progress along the way.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
20 weeks - The Halfway Point

I'm at the halfway point in this pregnancy today! It's cold here today. Seriously it's 59 degrees in the middle of July so I'm wearing my long-sleeve dress with some leggings.

I've been sleeping a lot which my Mom told me happened to her. She said she was attending college and would sleep between classes. Her classmates would wake her up before class as would her bus mates so she didn't miss her transfer home. I'm still nauseas which does suck but otherwise I'm doing well.

Baby Mongrain Week 19

We had an ultrasound last week and found out that we are having a girl! I was so surprised because I really thought I was having a boy. Trickery! I'm so excited to have a girl though. My pink-loving heart is going wild.

Tomorrow I go back for a follow-up ultrasound so they can get some better photos of Platy's heart since she wouldn't stop wiggling enough for them last Friday. My parents are coming with and I think they are going to have a great time.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Crowd Source Kitchen Paint Color

Kitchen View 1

Our kitchen needs a fresh coat of paint and I figure if we are going to paint it, I'd like to add a bit of color. My problem is that I can not decide on a color at all.

Kitchen Side 1

At first my husband suggested yellow but after putting a few samples on the wall, we noticed that they matched the cabinets (light maple) way too closely and that we needed some contrast.

Kitchen Side 2

Then we thought, Green! But the dining room which is adjacent is a light green and really that feels like a lot of green.

Back Splash

We also have this beautiful tile back splash that we'd like to coordinate the paint colors with.

Wall to be painted

Finally I just took all my Martha Stewart Paint Samples out and we painted swatches on the wall that we plan to paint. The rest of the walls will remain a nice cream.

Color Ideas

So tell me, which color would you paint my kitchen? I'm not married to any of these particular colors but I need direction and lots of help!
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