Saturday, June 02, 2012

Six Months with Molly Pop


Wow! It's been half a year since you joined our lives and it has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. This month has been so full of development and excitement that I'm not sure where to begin.

Molly vs Avocado!

Well first of all, you started on solid food. You kept trying to get some of my food in your mouth so I decided to start you early even though I was firm that you were not going to have solid food before six months. This is just the start of so many times where you will prove me wrong. You have shown your true love for avocado and your intense dislike for peas. Other foods fall in between that spectrum. So far you have tried avocado, peas, sweet potatoes, pears, carrots, peaches, plums, oatmeal, rice cereal and bananas.

Peas R Yucky!

You also started swimming 'lessons' at the local outdoor pool. You love them and I love how they wear you out! You have the best naps afterwards. We have lessons throughout the summer so I look forward to watching you through this adventure. Last week we went down the big slide together. I had so much fun and yelled WHEEEEEE! the entire way. You thought it was ok. Silly girl! It was the MOST FUN EVER!

Molly - 26 Weeks (6 months!)

Shortly after your six month half birthday, we went to Orcas Island for the weekend (and honestly this is why this month's letter is a bit late, I was having too much fun!) to celebrate Pop Pop's birthday. We took you to a fancy restaurant for dinner and you did so well. You used your charming smile to lure all the other diners into loving you. The waitress complemented us on your 'perfect' attitude. Hooray! I hope you keep this up so I can continue eating good food.

The perfect description of Molly right now at 5.5 months

This month you've mastered sitting and rolling over. You've also started really grasping things and moving them between your hands. You do these little hand gestures that crack us up. It's like you are amazed that these hands are yours. You are also grabbing everything which means noses, eyeballs, glasses, mustaches and the like are all up for grabs! I totally understand why Moms cut off their hair; between the postpartum hair loss and the grabbing, it is all too much.

Thank you for making this the best six months of my life. We really enjoy having you as our baby and feel like we got the best one out there. You are so much fun and such a beautiful little girl. I look forward to watching more of your personality emerge. It's already quite charming!

Molly - 25 Weeks

Six Month Stats
Weight: 16 lbs 7 oz
Length: 27.5 inches
Head Circumference: 17.64 inches

1 comment:

  1. How cute! Nice that she's doing well (wonder if she likes that cat-like pillow next to her in the photos...).

    Re: vegetables: has Molly tried spinach?


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