Saturday, November 17, 2012

11 Months with Molly Pop


This is the month you began walking and it is awesome! You love walking everywhere and have pretty much stopped crawling. It also means that I really had to step up my baby proofing game as you like to roam the house, inspecting and throwing things as you go. Toddlers are messy!

Molly - 46 Weeks
We visited the pumpkin patch with your friend, Ruby and I think next year, you are going to LOVE it. You enjoyed yourself this year but really you just like hanging out with me and Pop Pop so since we were there, you were thrilled!

Pumpkin Family

We also visited the Zoo for their trick or treating event where they fed the animals pumpkins. You wore your Thing 1 costume which was awesome thanks to Mommy's friend, Danielle. Her son, Henry was Thing 2, way over on the east coast. Bi-coastal Things!

Thing One and Thing Two

You got a lot of teeth this month! You now have seven teeth and are working on a full set. Getting teeth is a bit hard on you and understandably so! I'd be cranky too.

Molly - 48 weeks

I'm in shock that in just under a month that you will be one year old. Your Dad and I have managed to take really good care of you for almost a year! And in that year, you have grown from being a wee little babe who just laid there to this energetic person that charms people with a smile. You are quite the charmer too! You love waving at people with your pageant wave and pointing to express your desires. It's adorable!

Sillies! (the cup was empty)

We can't wait to celebrate your 1st birthday with you. Momma has gone a little bit overboard but you have an overachiever for a Mother so you'll just need to get used to it.

Gourd Loving Molly



  1. Molly was Thing 1 for Halloween? Great costume!

  2. The wobbly walking, the pumpkin outfit for picking pumpkins! All so cute. Happy almost 1 year old! :)
    I read your post and seconds later read a Mommypotamus post about natural teething oil and had to share.


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