Thursday, January 03, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Salad in a Jar

I LOVE Pinterest! I could easily spend hours pinning my heart out on that site and I find such cool stuff. I thought it would be fun to share what I find along with the results from trying out what I pin. I do a lot of things based on the pins I find on Pinterest. To that end, I'm introducing a new feature called, Pinterest Thursdays where I'll take one thing that I've pinned, actually do whatever the pinned item calls for and then report my results here on the blog. 

 This week, I decided to try the Salad in a Jar idea that I see pinned everywhere.

  Salad in a Jar

First I gathered my jars (I used gallon sized ones since that is what I had on hand) and poured the salad dressing into the bottom of the jars. Next I chopped, prepped and cooked all the other salad ingredients.

Salad in a Jar

Then I started layering ingredients. I had a nice bag of kale, brussel sprouts and cabbage from my Costco run earlier in the day so I put down that layer first. Then I followed with shredded carrots, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, walnuts, chicken and cheese.

Salad in a Jar

Salad in a Jar

My last layer was butter lettuce. The idea is that the dressing and the lettuce are the farthest apart in the jar to help prevent wilting and slimy greens.

Salad in a Jar

Then I filled my fridge with five jars of Salad!

Salad in a Jar

On day three, I presented Salad in a Jar to my husband who DID NOT LIKE IT. I'm not sure if he didn't like the whole salad concept or that he wasn't lying when he said the chicken didn't taste right because I enjoyed my salad. It was just as good on day one as it was on day three.

Salad in a Jar

Over all, I'd say this is a winner! My only issue is that I made the same salad for 5 days and it was tired and boring by day 5. I'd suggest switching it up a bit and maybe only making a few of the same type of salad. This is a quick and easy way to get more greens in your diet though and cuts down on the daily drudgery of putting together a salad for lunch. 

Salad in a Jar

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...I'd always wondered how they hold up over time!


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