Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Day in The Life - 16 months

I've seen these posts around and thought it would be fun to document a day in Molly Pop and I's life. I decided to document Thursday because I like Thursday, it is swimming lesson day. *Warning: This is a very photo intense post*

I woke up at 6:45 a.m. before everyone else. Today I had to set my alarm because we had a 9 a.m. meeting with our financial adviser. I was especially tired because a little one had joined us in bed at 3:40 a.m. after waking herself up with a cough. She also was convinced that it was time to get up and play. It took a bit to get her back to sleep. She spent some time jumping on the bed, yelling Dada! and then pulling on my hair before finally settling down between us for a snooze. I don't usually shower until after Scott leaves for the day but today after making coffee, I jumped in the shower and then went to wake up Scott and Molly.

Once everyone was up, it was time to make breakfast while Scott got ready. My little kitchen helper was at her helm, directing me the entire time. 

Once breakfast was over, it was time to get Molly ready and get on the road for our appointment. I don't usually drive in morning rush hour and Scott said he enjoyed watching my irritation at the other drivers. 

After our appointment, Molly and I took Scott to work. We decided to take one car to the appointment since it was easier. It also meant that we'd have to pick Scott up from work later but that meant that he couldn't work late! Win for everyone! 

We arrived home and the main street near us was being repaved which was exciting for Molly. She liked all the big trucks, signs and noise. We played in the yard a bit before going inside to get ready for swim lessons. 

Once we were ready to go, we packed up our swim towels and drove to the pool. It was life jacket day so Molly got to float in the pool for a looong time with her friends. 

After swim class, we headed home for lunch and nap-time  I spent nap-time painting my bedroom. I still have one more coat to go but the room is looking awesome!

When Molly woke up, it was time for my training run! I decided to mix it up today and ran down to a local park so Molly could play. Then I jogged home. Molly and I were both happy with the plan.

After a bit more playtime and dance party at home, it was time to get back in the car to go get Scott. Traffic around Scott's office is intense and I am amazed that he arrives home without an eye twitch. 


It was getting late when I picked Scott up so we went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Pecado Bueno in Fremont. The owner knows Molly and is always excited to see her. They also have a fantastic carne asada that fits into my Whole30 plan. I just switch out the rice and beans for their homemade butternut squash and ask them to leave the yummy tortillas off.

After dinner, we headed home and got into our jammies. Molly played some more before reluctantly going to bed.

I took the time to knit on a hat that I am making for my facial lady who is pregnant with her first child while watching an episode of Bones. I'm very excited for her! 

At this point, it was getting late so I climbed into bed with my book and read a few pages before drifting off to sleep so I could start again the next day. 

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