Thursday, March 07, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Bird Seed Wreath

Bird Feeder

Our little cat, Mel-B loves nothing more than to sit in the window and cackle at the birds. I buy lots of bird seed and suet packs to attract the birds to our yard just so Mel-B can have more enjoyment cackling at all her birdies. When I saw this pin, I knew I had to try it out. It makes such a pretty bird seed wreath and would use up some of the gigantic bag of bird seed I bought.

This was one of the easiest pins I've ever followed. In fact, I have plans to make a few more bird seed wreaths this week. 

Bird Seed6

You need just a few ingredients. I did have to hit up the store for corn syrup since we do not have that in the house. I also had to pick up some plain gelatin too since I'm not really someone who makes things with plain gelatin. 

Bird Seed5

After mixing the goop together, I added the bird seed to the greased bundt pan and had Molly help me press it into the pan. I let it dry for 24 hours in the pan before flipping it over onto a towel. 

Bird Seed4

Then I let it dry for three days before hanging it outside with a ribbon I had saved from some Christmas presents. 

Bird Seed2

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and can't wait to make a few more of these! 

Molly and the bird feeder

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! I love your pics of it. I think I want to try this for my yard. We have about 12+ red robins that hang out in out backyard through out the week. It's a great sight! I should be a better hostess and offer them treats!


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