Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Learning Tower


A few months ago, I sent this pin to my Dad with a message that jokingly read, "You should make this for your Granddaughter. It would make her very happy!" My Dad quickly replied that he had almost all the supplies to make it and did I want to paint it or should he stain it. I told him that making this for Molly was plenty and that I would happily paint it. 

Learning Tower2

My Dad got to work and sent me updates as he completed the project. It was a quick one that I think took him about two weeks between work, taking my Mom to appointments and well, life. He did say that the sanding took him the the longest but that he wanted to make sure it was extra smooth so that Molly didn't catch any splinters. 


The part that took the longest was the painting. I can't really paint when Molly is up and when Scott gets home, I want to spend time with him. I did about two coats on the tower and still need to do some touch-up work on the legs but decided to give it to Molly anyway.

Learning Tower


The final result is something that Molly LOVES! She spends a lot of time climbing in and out of her tower which gives me the time I need to get dinner made, empty the dishwasher and make snacks for Molly. I also love that I can fold up the tower and put it aside when it is not in use. 


This Pin is a WINNER! I highly recommend making a Learning Tower for under $20 versus buying one for over $100

**Ugh, please ignore the messy parts of my home in the background of these photos. Molly was sick last week, needed extra cuddles and refused to nap so therefore the house suffered. It is just what happens when you share your life with a toddler.**


  1. It folds up!! That's so cool.

  2. Can you please post a link to the pin? It's probably already there and totally obvious, but I can't seem to figure it out.

  3. @Alice - Here you go:

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    So your dad made the folding version? That's so cool! That's what I would want, if I could only find the time/skills/tools. Alas.

  5. @whitknits - Yep! He said the hinges were a little tricky to figure out but not that hard. I'm so happy it folds up as it is quite large.


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