Tuesday, April 23, 2013

11 Days


In less than two weeks, I'm running the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon, ok maybe run/walk/stumbling through it. I am however feeling way more confident about this race than I was a month ago. 


On Sunday, my training group ran 13 miles along Alki in West Seattle. It was a cool, crisp morning and the rain stayed away until about 5 minutes after I finished. I was able to run a few miles with a friend and I finished just around the time I figured I would. 


The only things I would have changed would be to have actually eaten breakfast before the run and to have planned my bathroom break better. I can't believe I forgot to eat breakfast! I was running 13 miles! That was VITAL FUEL! I did have some GU and jelly beans with me but I was HUNGRY when I finished and drove right to Starbucks where I inhaled a breakfast sandwich and some pumpkin bread. As for the bathroom break, I can only thank some kind homeowner for doing construction on their house and having a clean, unlocked potta-potty outside their property. Thank you whoever you are! 


I finished the 13 miles strong and didn't feel like death at the end. Oh I was TIRED and I ran faster than my coach expected which was an awesome feeling, but I didn't feel like I had run every ounce of energy out of myself. I'm finding that running post-Molly is different than running pre-Molly. I used to be able to just use up all my energy doing a long run and then I'd go home, shower and sit on the couch the rest of the day. Now I come home, shower, go out to eat, play with Molly, pray that she naps so I can nap, keep playing with Molly and pray that she goes to bed early so I can go to bed early. One nice thing about all the playing is that it keeps you limber. I used to get so stiff because I'd just lie on the couch after getting my muscles all inflamed. Now I'm rarely stiff and sore the next day because I had to keep moving after my run. 


11 more days until my race! I'm getting excited! 

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