Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Wednesday Links from Around The Web 6.12.2013 Edition

Greenlake Ducks #nofilter

What I Learned (Too Late) About Keeping Kids Safe Around Dogs This is why I have been carefully teaching Molly to wave at doggies. We never run up to doggies and never touch them without their and their owner's permission. We always wave first. So far she has done really well respecting the boundaries of dogs while growing her great love of them.

Is this proof the Virgin Queen was an imposter in drag? Fascinating! Could it be true?

How Not to Be Alone 

Foraging for free food and where to find the good stuff Here in Seattle, the trails are bursting with berries in the summer. Last week, Molly and I took a hike with a friend who introduced us to tasty Salmon Berries. Molly snarfed them up. Looks like we'll need to keep hunting for berries this year.  

 Stairway to Heaven

1 comment:

  1. Love salmon berries! People often use them as ground cover on that patch of grass between the street and the sidewalk (parking strip?. Isn't it so fun to find food just walking around the neighborhood? People are often happy to have someone pick their apples, pears, plums or whatever is growing in their yard too. I've had lots of success with asking and then gifting something tasty made from the fruits. :D

    I feel that article on tech and not being alone. Even though I am conscious of it, I still find myself texting instead of calling most of the time. Yeesh, so pervasive. :/


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