Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Day in The Life Photo Challenge Starts Tomorrow!

Rock collector

I've participated in these a few times already this year and tomorrow starts another Day in the Life challenge! Starting tomorrow when you wake up, take a photo every hour (or more) to document your day until you fall back asleep at night. You can join the Flickr group and/or tag your photos #adayinthelifephotochallenge on Instagram.

9:10 am Ready to Hike! #adayinthelifechallenge #adayinthelifephotochallenge

Here are the other "rules" from Francesca:

If you haven't participated in this challenge before, the rules are as follows: 
From the time you wake until the time you sleep...
1. Take at least one photo an hour (but you can take more!).
2. Post your photos to the "A Day in the Life" Photo Challenge Flickr group when you can. Posting your photos throughout the day as you take them is great (so we can see what everyone is doing in real time), but no worries if you cannot post until later.
3. Your photos do NOT have to be self-portraits.
4. Include the approximate (or exact) time of the photo either as the title of the photo or in the description.
5. Have fun!
Use your phone or camera - whatever you want to use to capture your day, however ordinary or extraordinary it may be.
6:25 pm Cake is done! It smells good!#adayinthelifechallenge #adayinthelifephotochallenge
Since this is my third time taking part in this challenge, I am bumping it up. I'll be shooting with my DSLR in Black & White. This will be a great challenge along with the fact that I have a three hour Preschool co-op meeting tomorrow night. Now sure how I'll document those hours without being noticed! 
I've set up a new set on Flickr for tomorrow's challenge which you can follow here: A Day in the Life 9.11.13  (I currently have a gnome for a placeholder so you'll know you're in the right place).

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