Saturday, December 21, 2013

Introducing Chicken Nugget


Scott, Molly and I are so happy to introduce Chicken Nugget! She was born on Saturday, December 21st at 2:45 a.m. at a hearty 8 lbs and12 oz.

Marjorie Catherine (Maggie for short) is named after my favorite Great Aunt Marjorie who I loved so much as a child. We had a special relationship when I was a child and used to exchange many letters which delighted 8-year-old me to no end.

I ended up with an unexpected VBAC after planning a scheduled c-section. I started having some crampy feelings on Friday afternoon and called my doctor. She said that it sounded like I might be in early labor and to time things. I timed them all evening and was having cramps every 9-10 minutes or so. I went to bed and thought well I'll get some rest so if I'm in labor, I'm at least rested. I woke up at 1 a.m. with crazy, intense contractions. I felt like I had to poop and my water broke. I woke Scott up and called my Dad to come watch the toddler. Scott called my doctor who said that we needed to come in. My Dad made record time and helped me to the car where I made Scott run a few red lights on the way to the hospital. Luckily we live about 2 miles away so it was a short, yet intense drive. We arrived around 2:15 a.m. and dashed into the emergency room.

I got wheeled up to the Labor and Delivery floor while trying to breathe and not scream. I got into my room and striped down. Seriously, just striped. The nurses were awesome. They got right in my face and told me how to breathe all the while communicating what they were going to do. My family doctor came in along with the OB. They checked me and said I was at 10. The OB said I could try a VBAC if I wanted. I said sure and asked for drugs. Well I never got them because they said I'd have to sit up and I was not able to do that. The OB who I have had issues with in the past was AMAZING! She coached me through every push and gave me clear direction. She was aggressive and firm which was exactly what I needed. I pushed maybe 5-6 times and had Maggie at 2:45 a.m. They put her on my chest and Scott cut the cord.

We've been chilling in the hospital getting to know our Maggie now. She's been sleeping most of the day and I should also sleep but I'm so amp'd up! Molly came by to meet her and thought she was pretty cool. Molly is now off with Grandpa and Grandma having an adventure!

Welcome to the world Maggie! We are so excited to get to know you!

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