Friday, May 23, 2014

30 Months with Molly Pop!



You are two and a half years old! You are a prime example of the Terrible Twos! You have very strong opinions and such sweet kisses.


You LOVE having a little sister and are my BIG helper. You like to hold Maggie for me which is adorable. You also like bringing me things and helping out. Everyday you tell me how much you love Maggie while trying to kiss on her. Whenever we leave the house, you always confirm that Maggie is coming with. Sometimes when I take you out on a date with just me, you tell me that you are sad that we are leaving Maggie with Pop-Pop. 


You frustrate me to no end. I yell at you more than I'd like. You are really testing my limits. And yet when you curl up in my lap, you remind me how much I love you. Because I love you more than I can ever say. 


You love getting dirty and you love exploring. Your current chant is either OUTSIDE or MONKEY! You either want to play in the yard, visit the Zoo or watch Curious George. 


You are into princesses and only want to wear, 'pincess dresses'. You have a few favorite dresses and you only want to wear those even if they are dirty. You love tutus and often layer then up. You love your tutus and dresses so much that you'll sleep with them. 


You are not potty trained yet. We had one very unsuccessful attempt and will be trying again soon. I think you are warming up to the idea. We had to bail on our previous attempt because you were getting so belligerent about it. You really showed us how stubborn you can really be.

You are nearing the end of your first year of Co-Op Preschool. You'll be going again next year but this time two days a week. You have really thrived in preschool and I'm so glad that I enrolled you. You LOVE art and circle time.


You are still a fantastic eater. You rarely turn your nose down at any food choices. You often beg for apples and pears. You've literally thrown a temper tantrum in the store because I wouldn't let you eat an apple from the produce section. I've tried explaining that we have to buy them first but that is hard to understand when you are two and hungry. 


You have been having sleep issues for the past few months. You sometimes nap, you sometimes don't. You sometimes go to bed at 8 p.m., you sometimes don't. You do tend to sleep through the night but getting you to sleep can be quite the struggle! We plan to move your sister into the room soon and I really hope the two of you sleep well together.


You are such a social little girl. Your current best friends are Thurston and Norah. You adore them. It's funny to hear you talk about your little friends. We had a playdate with Ruby and you asked for her for weeks. Every morning, you get up and ask for one of your friends. You get so disappointed if I say that we aren't playing with one of them at that moment. I'm constantly calling their mothers to arrange playdates. It's adorable!


Molly-Pop! We love you so much and I'm sorry that I yell so much. You have such a strong personality and are really a mini-me. It's hard coming up against one's personality. You are quite the character and are full of so much energy! 

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