Sunday, May 04, 2014

Nineteen Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 19 Weeks2

Oh man, this has been a very rough week. Maggie was a champ through it all. 

Monday was a quiet day. We had a playdate with a friend and Maggie got lots of dog kisses from her dog. Jersey LOOOOOVVVVEEESSSS babies. Maggie thought Jersey was ok unlike her sister, Molly who adores Jersey. 

On Tuesday, we spent most of the day in the car. Maggie did get some good Grandparent time in though so that was a highlight for her. 

On Wednesday, I woke up and felt sick but it was picture day at Molly's co-op so I decided to power through. Molly wigged out at preschool so we came home early. Maggie was having a good time with her Dad but was thrilled to see me. She later accompanied me to the doctor while Molly went to play at a friend's house. I found out that I had mastitis which explained why I felt so terrible. Scott brought dinner home and I went to bed with Maggie. I ended up sleeping from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. with a few wake-ups to pump. 

Thursday brought some devastating news for my family. Scott came home early and I crashed. I spent most of the day in bed recovering from the mastitis and dealing with emotions. Scott said that Maggie spent most of Molly's nap, rolling around on the floor and staring at her toys. 

Friday, I decided that we needed a normal day. I was feeling much better (blessed be antibiotics!) so we met up with friends at Golden Gardens. Maggie was able to rub her feet in the sand which she found to be very amusing. In the afternoon, while Molly had quiet time, Maggie and I spent time snuggling on the couch. 

Maggie has started grabbing her wub-a-nub this week and sucking on it. It's hilarious. She hasn't been able to get the pacifier in her mouth but she is thrilled that she can hold her wub-a-nub. Her lizard tongue has been in full effect too. My shirts are wet from all her slobber! Maggie also discovered the baby in the mirror. She thought she was a pretty cool baby! 

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