Thursday, January 08, 2015

barre3 Challenge Check-In!

6:01 am Time to get moving with @barre3! #adayinthelifephotochallenge #barre3challenge

Monday morning at o'dark o'clock, I started the barre3 challenge. I woke up at 5:15 a.m. to get to a 6 a.m. class. While the studio is only about a 15 minute drive away, I need a wee bit of time to wake up before leaving the house. The soft, gentle snores of my family greeted me as I awoke and dressed in the dark. I left the house and it was so dark, so rainy and so dark but I still headed to the car. I munched on a larabar as I drove to the studio full of apprehension. 

I got to the studio a bit early! In fact the doors were still locked so I sat in the car for a few minutes thinking about my endeavor. One of my friends has been doing 6 a.m. barre3 classes for the past year. I ask her how she does it and she says it is often the only hour she gets completely alone in a day. She also likes that when you make a reservation, if you don't attend, you still get charged a fee unless you cancel an hour or more before the session, which she'll never do since she's not up at 4:45 a.m. to cancel. She's pretty much committed the night before when she heads to bed. 


Another friend joined me on Monday for the 6 a.m. class and we looked at each other like we were insane. Who gets up at before the sun to get a workout in? We had a HARD session and as we were stretching at the end, I realized that I am now a person who gets up before the sun to get a workout in. I felt amazing (tired but so energized). I felt even more amazing when I arrived home to find my rambunctious children awake and poor Scott looking exhausted. I quickly made everyone a hearty breakfast and set Scott toward the shower.  Since Monday, I've done two more 6 a.m. classes and this feels right to me. I get a precious hour alone to focus on me before anyone else is awake. I don't have to worry that anyone needs me or that Scott is going to get caught at work and not make it home in time for me to go workout. In fact, both yesterday and today, I made it home before anyone else in my house was even awake. This is awesome and fantastic! 

I did the 10 minute workout portion of the challenge with Molly. She was running around the house like a crazy person so I decided to wear her out. It was hilarious watching her attempt carousel but she kept up with me, like a champ! I haven't yet tried this week's recipe, Spiced Winter Greens Smoothie but I have a grocery delivery coming tomorrow with the ingredients. The nice thing is it fits right into my Whole30 diet. I'm just feeling a little unsure about the actual smoothie but I'm going to try it with glee.  

I have three more weeks for the challenge and then I'm feeling confident that I'll keep going. We'll have to see what the next three weeks bring! 

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