Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Too Much TV!

We have fallen into the trap of too much TV around our house. Molly is addicted to the television and when away from it, re-enacts shows she's watched. I've noticed some behavioral issues too, so today I decided to see if we could go an entire day without any television. Spoiler Alert! We did it!


Usually in the morning, the girls run around the den while a cartoon plays in the background and I drink coffee (sweet, sweet coffee). Today they ran around the den while I drank coffee. The sounds of their play and the tv silence was nice.


Today was a preschool day for Molly so after I dropped her off, Maggie and I headed home. I put Maggie down for a nap and got to work on my chores. Once Maggie woke up, we headed back down to pick up Molly from preschool. Molly quickly asked to watch a show when we got home but I reminded her that today was TV free day. She groaned but perked up when I said I had made her Mac-n-Cheese for lunch. She loves Mac-n-Cheese. 

My friend sent the girls this fun postcard so we spent some time over lunch talking about it. 

After lunch, I was on the spot to entertain the girls and I honestly regretted my no TV decision. I asked Molly what we should do and after suggesting a few shows, she suggested that we make snowmen. So we did! 

We headed out to the yard on a mission to find snowman parts. We talked about the different kinds of plants in the yard and what we could do with them. After gathering our supplies, we headed inside and sat down to make play-doh Snowmen. 


We spent the rest of the afternoon playing and when it was time for Maggie's afternoon nap, Molly and I enjoyed some quiet time. She laid on the couch and read books while I knit a bit on her blanket. 


Once Maggie was awake, we headed out for some errands and a doctor's appointment which got us through the toughest part of the afternoon. Once dinner was over, we filled our evening with baths, books and snuggles. And for once, there were no cries of ONE MORE SHOW when I told Molly it was time for bed. Both kids settled into their beds (well, Molly slept in the hallway again. sigh) with weary sighs and quickly fell asleep. I'm thinking this is something that is going to continue for awhile. I'm going to need more ideas on how to keep these kids entertained though! Send me your ideas! Also can anyone tell me how long this phase of hallway sleeping is going to persist? 

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