Monday, April 06, 2015

A Day in the Life Photo Challenge - Saturday, April 11th!

6:01 am Time to get moving with @barre3! #adayinthelifephotochallenge #barre3challenge

It's time for another Day in the Life Challenge! Saturday, April 11th is Scott and I's 8th Anniversary of our first date so let's do this on Saturday!  I'm planning to do my challenge entirely with my iPhone 6. I can't wait to document my day and hopefully see your day too! I love seeing what other people do during a regular day because I'm curious and nosy.

12:10 pm My Little Pony Playtime #adayinthelifephotochallenge

Starting on Saturday when you wake up, take a photo every hour (or more) to document your day until you fall asleep that night. You can join the Flickr group and/or tag your photos #adayinthelifephotochallenge on Instagram.

10:15 pm Checking on my hallway sleeper before heading to bed. #adayinthelifephotochallenge

Here are some guidelines (adjust as needed for YOU!)
  1. From the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep...
  2. Take at least one photo an house (but you can take more!).
  3. Post your photos to the "A Day in the Life" Photo Challenge Flickr group when you can. Posting your photos throughout the day as you take them is great (so we can what everyone is doing in real time), but no worries if you cannot post until later. 
  4. Your photos do NOT have to be self-portraits.
  5. Include the time of the photo either as the title of the photo or in the description. (i.e. 9:45 am Hilarious Hand Holding! My friend and I had to walk really, really close to each other.)
  6. Use your phone or camera - whatever you want to use to capture your day, however ordinary or extraordinary it may be. 
  7. Have Fun! 
Since this is my sixth time doing this challenge, I'm going back to the basics. I'm excited to document Saturday since it was a pivotal day eight years ago when Scott and I headed out on our first date.

8:05 pm Gathering clothing so I can start the weekly laundry #adayinthelifephotochallenge

I've set up a new album on my Flickr photostream for Saturday's challenge which you can follow here: A Day in the Life 4.11.15 (I currently have a photo of Molly and Maggie in their Easter finery so you'll know you are in the right place).

Can't wait to see your photos and your day on Saturday!

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