Monday, August 15, 2016

10 on 10 (August)

This month's 10 on 10 happened on a Wednesday and Scott was traveling. He's been gone part of the week for the past three weeks so there may have been some grumps in the house.


The girls woke up and I had to convince them to eat breakfast. They just wanted to watch tv but I insist on the morning routine before tv or else we will never leave the house. 


They whipped through the morning routine and were rewarded with TV time. They were entranced. 


We headed to the preschool where Maggie wanted to play for a bit before heading out to barre3 class. Maggie went to childcare.


It was hard to convince Maggie to leave. She starts at the preschool in three weeks and is so excited.


I had to pick up Scott's prescription for him since he kept forgetting. I'm not a fan of his pharmacy. They take forever!


We had swim lessons again. We actually go everyday and the kids are doing great!


Molly can almost swim across the pool all by herself. Her strokes are giant and clumsy but so great!


The kids insist on climbing the tree outside the pool, every single day.


While the kids rested, I wrote a book review and answered some emails. The book is super cool!


After dinner, Molly spent a long time playing in the play kitchen. That was such a great purchase almost three years ago!


After dinner, Maggie put herself to bed early (I know! What child does this?) and Molly and I read books for almost two hours. I introduced her to Hillary Clinton and we read that book a few times.

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