Saturday, August 06, 2016

Week in Review - 8.6.16


I was striving for a quiet week after all the adventures we've been having and then Molly got sick! The poor bug was under the weather for most of Wednesday and Thursday. We spent a lot of time at home, watching tv and reading books.



Scott went on a last minute trip this week so I couldn't make some of my early morning workouts. I still got 4 workouts in but didn't meet my goal of 5 workouts. He's traveling again this week so I sat down with my calendar and my ClassPass app to schedule out my workouts. I have a plan and I'll be making it happen. I did two boot camps, one really hard cycling class and a barre class this week.

My friend Kelsey met up with me for three of those workouts and shot me dirty looks through our classes. She had a baby a few months ago and is getting back to working out. I totally deserved them for the cycling class, I got her to sign up for with me. It was so hard and even our instructor was super sweaty! I had a seriously hard time walking to my car after class. I can't wait to go back!



I had Marley Spoon delivered and had some amazing meals. My absolute favorite was the Vietnamese Tacos which were full of delicious veggies and amazing pork. I made sure to save the recipe card because I am so making that again.


I also stepped up our snack game this week. The girls would love to snack on goldfish crackers and chocolate but I don't think that is such a good idea. I decided to spruce up their snacks by putting them in their Boon Lunch boxes. Maggie especially loved having the food arranged in a different way.

I'm still having our organics box delivered and I just love how colorful our box was this week. The summer harvest is always so great! 


The Girls

As I mentioned above, Molly was off her game this week. Both girls had swim lessons this week and did great! Poor Molly tried to go to swimming on Wednesday but was feeling exhausted. She ended up hanging on the side of the pool until I pulled her out. I made sure to tell her that if she isn't feeling well then she doesn't have to try to swim. When I told her that she wasn't going to school on Thursday, she cried. She said, "I'll try to feel better! I can do it! OK, I think I need to go back to bed". She then slept until 10 a.m. so I knew keeping her home was a good decision.

All the words #thedocumentaryapproach

We hit up the splash park with Molly's class on Wednesday and I vowed to take the girls to more splash parks. They had such a great time and it was nice watching them. 


Other Goings On 

I hosted my SIL's sprinkle today. She is due with her second kiddo in September and so a group of her family and friends gathered to celebrate her. I made some candle favors for the guests. We met at the Beach Cafe in Kirkland and the view was gorgeous. My Mom and I got a glimpse of the Blue Angels on our drive home across 520.


I also slowed down this week. My friend, Meg has gotten me hooked on the show, Houdini and Doyle so I watched a few episodes while folding laundry. I may have found extra laundry to fold so I could keep watching the show.

#100daysofsummer to National Night Out!

We had a fabulous National Night Out in our neighborhood and met some new neighbors. They have a 2 year old boy who goes to the girl's preschool! We are so excited by this development. We have some kids in the neighborhood but most of them are older so having one Maggie's age is awesome. 


It was my Mom's 62nd birthday on Tuesday so we took her out for ice cream on Monday with all her grandchildren. It was wildly loud and a lot of fun.

Stories Published

I had a bunch of stories published this week so I thought I'd share them here!

Making Memories in Manzanita in Seattle Refined

Discover the Thurston Bountiful Byway in Seattle Refined

The August Issue of Seattle's Child is out with my monthly SHOP column! I also have a book review on the Mason Bee Revolution in this month's issue.




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