Saturday, April 22, 2017

Week in Review 4.22.17


This morning we got up and headed to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. It felt fraught with troubles (the interstate was closed, we were running late, it started raining) but it ended up being so much fun. I've relaxed a lot in the past few years. I packed extra clothing, told everyone to go potty and off we went. In years past, I would have packed enough food to feed an army, stressed about being late, freaked out about the interstate closure. This year, I said, Oh ha! We'll go a different way. If it is crowded, then we'll worry about it then. It was a muddy mess and the kids were so happy! Molly got an ear ache on the way home and thanks to Swedish Express Care, we were able to stop and get her seen. She now has a prescription for antibiotics and is already happier. #winning.


My exercise buddies were off this week for various reasons so I decided to take a step back from working out so hard. I skipped boot camp on Monday but went on Wednesday and Friday. I also walked Greenlake on Tuesday. It felt good to take a wee break. I think our bodies need that sometimes. I'm back at it on Monday though as my workout buddies will be back!

I also worked out with Molly and Maggie a few times this week for a story assignment I'm working on. It was both great and infuriating. Overall though it was quite an experience. 

The previous weeks were about average with 4-5 workouts. I'm still feeling rundown so they weren't my best but I saw a glimmer of the sun yesterday and wow! it boosted my spirits!



My eating has been crappy lately. I did a doughnut tasting for work and am actually sick of doughnuts. I ate too much Easter candy. I have however started my CSA research for a story I'm doing which means more veggies! I hate wasting food so I'll be eating a lot more produce. 


I do not regret the HUGE ice cream I had at Snowgoose Produce today. It was huge and delicious and I don't need ice cream for weeks. 


The Girls

Molly asked for her own garden this year so we built a small garden box to place outside of my garden. It was made of mix-matched wood so we used some left over paint to spruce it up. I asked what vegetables we should plant and she sassily told me, "I don't like vegetables! I just want flowers" so we planted mainly flowers and I snuck in a few vegetables so they can see how they grow and maybe mess with their plants and not mine.

Molly's class went to the Planetarium at the University of Washington last week so Maggie and I tagged along. It was so much fun learning about the planets and the solar system. I admit to being more excited than most of the kids. I was also amazed at how well the kids did on the long bus ride. They thought it was great!


Other Goings On


In other news, I got two new chickens and picked-up my first one! We named our new additions, Hai Hai and Pinky Pie. I built a temporary pin next to the chicken coop where the chickens stayed for about 10 days. Then I let the two flocks roam together for a bit. Now they are all in the same coop but I'm having troubles getting the new chickens to go up to the roosting poles at night so they have been sleeping in the cat carrier. I tried to put them up one night but the other chickens were being jerks. I think they just need more time. Hopefully they'll get there.


I was able to see the Terracotta Warriors with Seattle Refined and loved the experience. They are amazing, seriously amazing. 


I also started a 100 Day Project for B/W photos for 100 days. I've been enjoying the experience so far which you can follow on Instagram. I'm using #100daysofreebeckibwphotography as my hashtag. 

Stories Published


Seattle Refined: Chocolate & coffee lovers rejoice! We've found the best mocha in town

Seattle Refined: 14 Activities to Fill Up Your PNW Spring

Seattle Refined: Easter Basket Goodies for all the kids (and grown-ups) in your life

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