Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week In Review 4.30.17


It was a rough week around here. Maggie is deeply in her threes and while it can be amusing, it is deeply exhausting. Scott was busy with work and was gone for one night. I had a book club filming and went to Mamacon. It was busy and full of emotions. 


I made it to boot camp twice this week along with a barre3 class and a great spin class with a friend. This next week I'm hoping to get back up to my 5 times a week workout but this slow down has been good for me.


I've been working with the girls to have designated dessert days and it is actually going really well. We had fro-yo on Wednesday in the midst of this amazing downpour. The kids get a treat and know what days they get them which has cut down on the nightly request for dessert. 


I cooked a lot from Acme foods this week and was so impressed with the meals. They were really good, quick and well-received by most members of the family. My favorite this week was the fromage blanc with smoked salmon on crunchy bread. It was so fast to make and full of flavor. 


The Girls

Maggie has been full of three lately and if I remember this is the hard part but it gets better. She is pretty hilarious and I could not stop laughing when she smeared a ton of peanut butter on her face. She made sure that I knew it wasn't her whole body.


Molly is almost 5 1/2. I wasn't worried about that until I got one of those development forms from the state and then I was like, IS 5 1/2 a THING? I NEED TO KNOW! IS IT A THING?


Other Goings On

I spent a lot of time spinning my wheels this week but a new month starts tomorrow and with it, a new focus on goals and desires. Also I'm trying really hard to remember what I planted in my garden because it is growing fast and I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS! I think that is a sign of either a bad gardener or a bad recorder. I'm going with bad recorder because this plant is gorgeous. You can see it right above this paragraph.

Stories Published


Seattle Refined: Taste Test: Where is the best doughnut in Seattle?

Seattle Refined: Olympia is the weekend getaway you are missing out on

Seattle's Child: May SHOP 




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