Saturday, July 01, 2017

Week in Review 7.1.17


We had a quieter week around the house due to a big writing job I had. I had a lot of fun working on the project but am glad to have a bit more time back to myself. It also made me realize how many little time sucks there are in my day. I get 9 hours a week while both girls are in school to get work, errands, appointments, etc. done alone. Sometimes drop-off sucks away some of the time. Then there are surprise tasks that pop up that need to be done during my kid-free time. Soon I find out that my 9 hours have shrunk to 6 but I still have 12 hours of work to get done. It is exhausting. I have high respected for full-time working parents and all that they have to juggle.



Bootcamp was brutal this week. I angered my back on Monday so I was very gentle with it the rest of the week. I still got in three boot camps, a barre3 class and a SHIFT class. I love that crazy SHIFT class so much. I used my ClassPass for the barre3 and SHIFT class. Interested in trying out ClassPass, use my referral link for $40 off your first month! If you missed it, I posted 5 Rockstar Workouts for Summer Travel this week.



I prepped again on Sunday which helped me prepare for my work load. The house doesn't slow down if I am needed elsewhere. I made Shrimp Dragon Noodles, Quiche and Burrito Bowls along with Zucchini Bread and Chicken Salad for lunches. Instead of roasted chicken for the chicken salad, I used canned chicken and it was really good. Scott and I both had evening things in different directions later in the week so the kids had macaroni and cheese with their sitter and we finished the week with Shutterbean's Sausage Kale French Bread Pizza


I'm not doing a monthly meal plan for July since we'll be traveling. I'll be playing it week by week. I'm also doing a condensed prep session since our meal plan is pretty simple. Our meal plan for this coming week is: 
  • Sunday: Hot Dogs and Sausages with Corn on the Cob
  • Monday: Teriyaki Chicken with Rice and Broccoli
  • Tuesday: Picnic Dinner
  • Wednesday: Crockpot Spaghetti
  • Thursday: Salmon and Fish Stick Tacos (cleaning out the freezer!) 
  • Friday: Pizza
  • Saturday: Out
I also cleaned out the fridge and felt so accomplished. Seriously a cleaned out fridge feels like a huge accomplishment. I love how easy it is to find what you need and how fresh it smells. 


The Girls


The girls continued with swim lessons this week and Molly learned how to ride a two-wheeler at school. I was honestly shocked. Of course, now all she wants to do is ride her bike which I do love.


Sleep shenanigans continue but they are easier to take on when there are two parents around. I gave up on a solid bedtime early in the week and decided not to force the issue. I'm hoping when the nights start getting darker again, that they will start going to sleep earlier. Molly's teacher claims summer days at school will exhaust her but I'm not sure he's encountered a sleep avoider quite like Molly. Molly is also wearing a sleep tracking watch for the sleep study she is in, this week. She claims to not like it but then talks about liking it so I don't know. 


Other Goings On


Somehow in the midst of all the chaos this week, I managed to finish reading three books. I was getting worried because the first book took me forever to read but the next two only took an evening or two. I also started working on the doll outfits for the church charity project I'm doing. I took out two dolls for the Atlantic Street Center and am outfitting them with sweaters, pants and blankets. I'll be knitting some and sewing some of the outfits. 

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