Thursday, August 03, 2017

8 ways to beat the heat during Seattle's Heat Wave


Seattle is in the middle of an intense heat wave and we are melting! Few people have air conditioning in their homes so anything above 90 degrees gets melty fast. Here are 8 ways to beat the heat until we return to our usual 70 degree weather.


1. Head somewhere cool - Take in a movie in an air conditioned theatre or head to the mall. Now is the time to tackle your Back-to-School shopping. Head to Costco and hang out in the refrigerator room.

2. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! - Drink lots of plain water. It'll help keep your body temperature regulated and Seattle water tastes so good!

3. Close your shades - Open your windows at night to let in the cool night air and then shut them in the morning. Pull down the shades to keep your home cooler.

Sweet Cherry Granola Yogurt Popsicles

4. Eat Popsicles - Here a few quick and easy popsicles to help cool yourself:

5. Take a cool shower or bath - Cold water is a great way to cool down and it feels really good to rinse off your sweaty body.

6. Exercise early - Exercising in the early morning will allow you to get a good workout in without worrying about heat exhaustion. Heat rises our heart beat which means we exhaust faster. Avoid working out in the mid-day heat.


7. Go swimming - Head to the pool, splash park or a wading pool for some cooling relief. Here is a list of splash parks and wading pools in Seattle. Any of the Lake Washington beaches are wonderful places to cool down too.

8. Limit time outside in the sun - Try to stay out of the direct sun and make sure to slather on the sunscreen.

Safety Tips:

  • Never not leave infants, children, people with mobility challenges and pets in a parked car, even with the window rolled down even for 5 minutes. 
  • Recognize heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The King County Department of Health has a great list of symptoms and how to help. Signs to watch out for: high body temp, red skin, rapid pulse and confusion. 
  • Check on your elderly and mobility challenged neighbors. 

Stay cool friends!

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