Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Monthly Goal Check-In (October)


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa! How is it already November? I have so much to do in the next two months! I'm already thinking about my goals for next year. I love, love, love goals. 

2017 Goals

1. Workout 217 times in 2017 - I worked out 19 times in October. I'm at 196 workouts with 21 more workouts to complete this year. I'll need to complete 2.6 workouts a week for the rest of the year to complete this goal. I'm in it to win it!

2. Participate in the Year of Creativity -  This month was all about Trust - learning to trust ourselves, learning to trust the process. There is a lot of trust when one goes into writing. I've been falling behind on the prompts and resources but loving the community. I got a little jaded after the September course was so religious but this lesson was so good and really spoke to me. I still need to go back and explore more of the exercises. One exercise was a core values and I could see a great divide between the group's other members and me at times. This exercise showed it a bit more. One of my core values is not faith. While I believe in God, I do not believe that he guides my life. I do not look to scripture for guidance. My core values are much more pragmatic - efficiency, family, trust. I believe differently than the group and yet I have learned so much from them this year. All in all, it has been a huge win! 

3. Shoot one roll of film a month - Oops! I completely forgot to do this. I want to shoot more film but I need to find a better way to process the film. There is a great lab on Queen Anne but getting there is just so hard for me. 

4. Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I - I have buckled down and am making great progress on this! My goal is to mail this off by 12/31. I'm a swatching and question answering machine. I'm digging deep into knitting. 

5. Finish my Miter Square Blanket - I may be deep into knitting swatches but not so deep into knitting miter squares. 

6. Read 52 books. - I read 4 books this month. This means I have 8 books to read this year and 43 under my belt. I loved all the books I read this month and can't wait to recap them soon. 

7. Finish up various House Projects - We are starting to dig deep into the basement remodel. I've been meeting with our architect and visiting too many tile stores. If Scott hears another discourse on lighting fixtures or door placement, he might roll his eyes into the back of his head. I am narrowing down my choices but quickly realizing that this remodel is going to take a lot of my time and mental energy. 

8. Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - Wha! I'm dreadfully behind on this project and foresee it becoming a goal for next year. 

9. Become more politically active and work to be the change in my community. - Our school district is re-doing the high school boundaries so I attended the community meeting, emailed the district and helped start a petition on the changes. Hopefully it will all work out. 

10. Learn how to make a really good stock 

Bonus Goal: Grow two new crops in my garden and add some chickens to my flock. 

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