Saturday, November 18, 2017

Week in Review 11.18.17


The girls and I started the week in Portland and had a grand time! I'll be sharing those adventures soon. It was another busy week with lots and lots of illness. I had a head cold and the girls got some stomach virus which was brutal. In between I was in major prep mode and today I'm in major cleaning mode. Lots to do! 



I got in 4 
workouts this week-  two boot camp classes and two barre3 classes. I feel like I was making up for not moving at all last week! It felt really good to get out there and move. I'm also thinking about my ClassPass and trying to decide if I want to keep that up or just buy barre3 passes. I feel like ClassPass helps me mix up my workouts which is a good thing. I need to make some decisions! Also paying for 5 classes a month means that I use them all where as a pass has a longer expiration period. 



My Imperfect Produce order came and I laughed so hard when I opened it. I didn't realize that I had ordered so many oranges and apples! They were all great though. Use this referral link to try out Imperfect Produce - and get $10 off your first order. 

I've been in Thanksgiving Planning mode this week and made my monthly trip to Costco. I was able to snag a great turkey for a great price and stocked up on cranberries and other Thanksgiving necessities. I pre-ordered my groceries from Amazon Fresh and am ready to get cooking. 


I made Bon Appetit's Winter Squash Carbonara for lunch today and it was so good! I would have saved it for dinner but my family doesn't love squash in the same way I do. MORE FOR ME THEN! 


The Girls

It was a week of sick for the girls around here. Maggie was felled on Wednesday while the sickness came for Molly on Thursday night. Molly's teacher said 7 kids were out on Thursday. It is going around. Unfortunately while some parents can handle vomit, I can not which led to me standing on the side of the road throwing up while Molly threw up. It was a super classy scene! I hope people didn't think I was drunk or something! 

Scott volunteered at Molly's school on Monday and she was so excited. He said he really liked seeing what her day was like and was amazed at how packed full it was. She loved having her Dad with her at lunch and throughout her day. 


Other Goings On

I visited the flooring store to pick up materials for our basement remodel this week and really connected with the sales guy. I felt like he understood our plans for the basement and what our ultimate desires were. I also connected with the contractor and had a really good chat with him. I'm feeling good about this. I'm not feeling good about my progress on cleaning out the basement. The guest room area did receive some major clearing out this week so I guess there is progress. Just not at the rate I need there to be progress. 


I also painted the kitchen this past week. I realized Thanksgiving was coming and I needed the boxes of kitchen stuff back in their proper locations. I did most of the work on Sunday and then have spent the rest of the week trying to paint the back door but kids + sickness have gotten in my way. 

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