Saturday, April 21, 2018

Week in Review 4.21.18


We hit re-entry hard and fast! I had a bunch of work due this week, a lot of catch-up at home and so many questions about the remodel. We desperately missed the sun and easy days of our Hawaiian spring break. I met a baby pony who decided to hug me which was a bit shocking but still cute. 

I ordered a salmon share from Drifter's Fish this week and I'm so excited. We won't get it until October but this is fresh salmon direct from the source. 


I somehow got in 5 workouts this week - three boot camps and two barre3 classes. I have a goal of getting in 18 exercise sessions this month and I'm currently at 10 workouts with 10 days left in the month. It's going to be close especially as I'm traveling the early part of next week and then Scott leaves for a long business trip. I'm going to make it happen though!  



The girls started making dinner again this week. We had fallen off and I'm determined for them to learn important life skills. Molly made Macaroni and Cheese while Maggie tackled Chicken Noodle Soup. Molly was able to do most of the work herself with some guidance from me. For Maggie, I prepped all the ingredients and then had her put them in the pot and stir, etc. They were both so proud of themselves and I'm looking forward to this becoming a more regular thing. It is definitely more work for me but I'm hoping that by the time they are 10 and 12, they will be making me dinner without any help. I have dreams!


Maggie and I tried a new sushi restaurant this week, called Sushi Naomi. I had high hopes and while the sushi was delicious, it was quite pricey and the atmosphere left much to be desired. Oh well! There are other sushi restaurants to explore. 



The Girls

Molly had a fun field trip to the Zoo this week which started out a bit dramatic. I had planned for Maggie to stay at school late that day so I could chaperone the field trip (younger siblings were not allowed). Then the preschool's boiler burned out and the school was closed on that day. I emailed Molly's teacher and it turned out, I wasn't the only parent in this situation so I was allowed to still chaperone and Maggie joined the field trip. In the end, it all worked out well and everyone had a blast! 


The girls are both loving their swim lessons and Molly is obsessed with t-ball. She insisted that I buy her a glove and a bat. Now she is asking for balls but I'm feeling a bit more hesitant about making that purchase.  


Other Goings On

The highlight of my week was meeting Baby Zara at the MI Funny Farm. She's a fell pony and just the cutest thing ever. I spent of lot of this week running around like a chicken with its' head cut off. I'm excited for next week though. I have a press trip and the weather is promising some nice days which will be beneficial since I need to get out in the backyard and spruce it up. 

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