Sunday, May 27, 2018

Week(s) in Review - 5.19.18 and 5.26.18


Somehow last week slipped away and I neglected to post anything here. I'm catching up this week and making progress. I am feeling a bit more on top of my game though not all the time. I was actually able to keep my house pretty clean and submitted an essay from a recent workshop to a publication I really hope picks it up. I'm really proud of it so if they reject it, I know it will have a home somewhere. 


I worked it these last two weeks. Having monthly workout goals has really helped me stay on track. I did 
three boot camps, a City Cycle class and a barre3 class last week. I did three boot camps and two barre3 classes this week along with a fun family bike ride on a LimeBike. Molly is getting so fast, it was hard to keep up with her! I'm at 21 workouts for the month with one more to hit my goal of 22!



I've gotten off track on making healthy, homemade food so I've been focusing on that again. I did a long over-due Costco trip and am really excited about some new offerings from Acme Farms + Kitchen. They have a new Kid's Chef Prep Box which is blowing our minds over here. This coming week's offerings are Tofu Fried Rice with Carrots + Edamame, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Housemade Ranch, Celery with Peanut Butter, Carrots, Snap Peas, Apples, Tangelos, Cherry Tomatoes, Mini Muffins which I think will be a hit with kids. If not, I'll have it because it looks delicious! 


The Girls

Molly has been struggling a bit with the end of school. The hard part for me is we still have a month to go so I'm worried she'll be anxious about this for awhile. She's nervous about a new teacher and classmates for first grade and super worried about the camps I signed her up for. I think she'll be fine. I've signed her up for camps with friends and they look super fun! This is also our first summer without preschool so it will be a learning experience for us. I have some fun things planned and we'll use the summer to figure out what works and what doesn't. 


Maggie has been quite the spitfire these last few weeks. She's a wild, feral child who needs to run free while looking fabulous. It is complicated for her. She has been working really hard at speech even though she intensely dislikes that she needs it. 


Other Goings On

I got my garden planted and part of the deck power washed. I added a new garden bed for the kids. The one I made last year was falling apart which was not unexpected. I did a quick job on it so it was not sturdy. I've been weeding like mad and still need to finish up the side yard. It's been a lot of work and I've been sidetracked by the piles of dirt in my yard from the remodel. I did have the trees and shrubs pruned so the yard is getting into tip-top shape! 


Speaking of the remodel, things are progressing quickly and I'll have an update next week. The walls are being drywalled and mudded, the electrical is almost done and soon the bathroom will be tiled and fixtures installed. I keep getting excited that the remodel is almost done and then I remember that my part will be next. I'll need to get all the stuff back from storage and purge more. Then I need to paint and figure out how to decorate and, and, and! 


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