Tuesday, July 03, 2018

July Goals


June was quite the suck. I did not get far on my goals. This was my first time experiencing the end of the school year in public school and it was busy! I know better now and will prepare better next year (maybe). 

Here is how I did on my June Goals:

  1. Exercise 22 times - I give BurnCycle all the credit for getting in 27 amazing workouts! I really needed them for my mental game this month. It was a stressful one. 
  2. Catch up on my Bible reading - Nope! Still not caught up!
  3. Get 8 books read for Book Bingo! - I got almost 6 read which feels good. I spent too long trying to read a book I was not enjoying. I decided to abandon it which means I need to choose a new one for the "LGBTQIA author/character" category. 
  4. Knit on Nanoo - Yeah, nope! 
  5. Knit my June Hat for charity - Totally missed this goal. I selected my pattern and wound my yarn and knit nary a stitch. I hope to knit two hats in July. 
  6. Work on the Girl's 1-and 2-year-old photo books - Nope! 
  7. Update Ravelry with my Yarn Stash - Nope! 
  8. Work on Hand Lettering - Nope!
  9. Knit 5 miter squares for my blanket - I knit 4 squares! I literally had to re-knit two squares twice so I would have surpassed my goal but technical issues slowed me down. 
  10. Finish getting my yard in summer shape (weeding, laying down dirt and pressure washing the porches) - It is almost there. I need to get some dirt but my yard is no longer an embarrassment to me! 

Here are my goals for July! These include some 2018 goals and some specific goals fro July. These are a bit lighter due to our vacation plans which is ok with me because sometimes one needs to sit back and relax. 

July Goals

  1. Exercise 14 times  
  2. Catch up on my Bible reading
  3. Get 9 books read for Book Bingo! 
  4. Knit on Nanoo
  5. Knit my June and July Hats for charity 
  6. Knit 6 miter squares for my blanket
  7. Finish The 100 Day Project
  8. Keep logging my meals in MyFitnessPal

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