Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monthly Goal Check-in (July)


This month, I kept my goals realistic. We were on vacation for 18 days which is more than half the month. I knew, I wouldn't be making progress on some of the goals but kept my eye on the prize for others. I discovered, knitting is a great goal to work on when you are traveling over 2000 miles along the western coast! 


2018 Goals

  1. Workout 218 times in 2018 - I worked out 16 times in July. My goal was 14 times since we were on vacation for so long and I totally met my goal! I'm at 149 workouts for the year with 69 to go!
  2. Go Skiing 
  3. Complete "The Artist's Way"
  4. Learn Hand Lettering - I worked on this a little bit. I now sympathize with my kids when I make them practice their writing. It's not exciting to practice handwriting. 
  5. Paint the Bathroom - This goal is waiting until September so I can paint while the girls are at school.  
  6. Find a picture for the oval frame in my bedroom 
  7. Replace the sad Rhododendron plant with a Dwarf Japanese Maple (or another plant) - This goal is waiting until fall to complete. 
  8. Build (or buy) a trellis for my vegetable garden 
  9. Buy a new dishwasher 
  10. Embrace Minimalism by doing the Minimalist Game for an entire month 
  11. Reduce our food bill and food waste - It's hard to say how we did this month since we ate out for almost 3 weeks straight. I'll be focusing on this in August. 
  12. Read War and Peace, Moby Dick, A Tale of Two Cities and The Grapes of Wrath -  I didn't do any reading on these books this month though I did do a lot of reading otherwise for Book Bingo.
  13. Read the Bible - I'm not quite caught up but I'm working hard on it. 
  14. Knit Nanoo - Nanoo! I'm still working on this. Working, working!
  15. Knit 12 hats for charity - I got both my June and July hats knit up while on vacation. Turns out riding in the car for long hours equals knitting time. 
  16. Repeat Goal: Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I - I bought the updated instructions and plan to dive into this soon. 
  17. Repeat Goal: Finish my Miter Square Blanket  - My goal for July was to knit 6 miters and I did it! I have 9 squares left to knit. I'd love to have them all done by the end of August so I can start knitting the border but I might need to stretch out squares to September. 
  18. Repeat Goal: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - I did not work on this at all in July. I need to come up with a plan to get myself to work on these. I need time at my computer but when I'm here, I have other paid work to get done. 


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