Saturday, August 04, 2018

Week in Review 8.4.18


Scott left for Brazil this week which meant our current season of intense parenting was 100% squarely on my shoulders. It also meant though that we did things 120% my way. My kids try to work it so they get their way but I have more patience since I've been around longer. The beginning of the week was ROUGH but we got into a groove as the week went on and sleep started to improve. Whew! Sleep was ROUGH! 



I was able to fit in exercise this week while the girls were at camp. I got in two boot camps and a Barre3 class, along with a good walk. I'm kinda looking forward to school starting up again so that my exercise can get more regular. I really need exercise to keep myself sane!  




I kept on with my BeWell by Kelly Fab4 smoothies for breakfast this week and I'm really liking them! The girl's camp this week was by Fremont Bowl so I snuck in there for lunch. I love that place so much! Otherwise, food was very basic this week as I discovered, I'm not much into cooking without Scott around. The kids just don't appreciate my efforts enough. 


The Girls

The girls started out the week on the wrong foot. Scott left town on Sunday and they ramped up the drama. After a terrible first day at Zoo Camp, I asked them how they could turn things around. They decided if I received good reports then they would earn a Shopkins. I agreed and off they went. Maggie even declared, "I am going to have an EXCELLENT day!" and she did. They had great days at camp after that and bedtime slowly started to improve. I think these kids need routine and summer does not provide a solid one. I'm contemplating how to make this happen without having to pay for pricey camp every week of the summer. Or maybe I just need routine and them not having one is driving me mad. Either way, parenting in the summer is super intense and it turns out I need to be doing less intensive parenting for my own sanity. I appreciate any tips from parents in the same boat! 


Maggie helped me walk a friend's dog on Friday. She told me she was an excellent dog walker (she was not) and that she missed the dog as soon as we left the house. The girls desperately want a dog so it was nice to take a dog on a walk and see what a disaster it would be. 

Other Goings On

My Sister-in-Law gave us two baby chickens last week when we visited them. I've set them up next to the regular coop and I've forgotten how loud little baby chickens are. They are younger than I thought so I've changed my initial plan to keep them next to the coop for two weeks. I think I'll keep them in their own area for about 4 weeks or so. It depends on how things go. I don't want them to get picked on by the main flock. 


The basement is in its last 1% of completion. The last bit of doors are being painted and the shower enclosure needs to be installed. I'm having the house deep cleaned next week and then I'll be moving all of our stuff back into the house. I'm planning on doing another deep purge because I know I stored stuff we do not need. I'm even contemplating a dumpster but we'll see if one is really needed. I wish dumpster bags were available in my area because I know I would fill one of those up quickly! 


Stories Published

Seattle Refined: You've seen it on social media ad nauseam. But is the Museum of Ice Cream worth the visit?

Seattle Refined: The best time to visit Oregon's only National Park is RIGHT NOW

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