Saturday, October 27, 2018

Week in Review 10.27.18



I saw Barbara Kingsolver at the SAL Lecture series this week and I was reminded about why she is one of my favorite authors. Her quick wit, deep thoughts and insight into people make her so compelling to read. It also meant I stayed out later than usual and went to bed late which just wrecks me now. It's sad but I am such an early bird that I need to be home by 7 p.m. so I can be in my bed by 9:15 p.m. 



I kept up the exercise this week. I'm loving it so much as the days grow dark and the sun's energy melts away. Exercise is keeping me going! I got in two boot camps, one barre3 class and two City Cycle rides.



I made my favorite Super Veggie sauce this week and visited a bunch of tea rooms for a story I did on Tea. I do love a great cup of tea and need to remember that when I'm looking for a hot beverage. 


The Girls

We did family portraits on Sunday and it was amazing! The kids were great! We finished before our time was up and hopefully I was able to get a new headshot out of it. I'm now anxiously awaiting our pictures! 


Halloween celebrations also began this week and the kids were just amp'd up as soon as they donned their costumes. We hit up Scott's work for about an hour of celebrations, got the girl's face painted and then spent the evening at Molly's school. Everyone was exhausted last night and slept well! 


Other Goings On

We leave for Australia in just over two weeks so I'm ramping up my planning for the trip. We'll be there over Thanksgiving and honestly I'm not sad about missing the food this year. I love cooking Thanksgiving but sometimes I like to take a break from the week long cooking session. 
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Reading, Listening, Watching and Making



The Haunting of Hill House: What to Read if You are Obsessed I AM OBSESSED! 

NaNoWriMo Tips - I’m considering doing NaNoWriMo this year. Are you?


Nothing this week!


The Haunting of Hill House I love a good ghost horror story and I'm obsessed with this one. 


My October Charity Hat - I’m making a variation on this one. Keeping it simple!

Words and more Words with this fantastic writing workshop 
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Super Veggie Sauce


When I first introduced solid food to Molly, I was obsessed with getting enough vegetables into her diet. Along the way I discovered a recipe for a veggie sauce which was packed full of healthy foods. Over the years, Molly has stopped eating it but I crave it and have continued making it for myself. I realized that I've never shared this amazing sauce and am rectifying that today. I usually serve this with pasta but it is also tasty over chicken or in a lasagna dish instead of the traditional bolognese sauce. If making this for a toddler palate, I'd leave out the salt. Adults will need more salt. Also this sauce cook be mixed with a more traditional spaghetti sauce to "sneak" vegetables into your family's diet if you so desire. The sauce on its own isn't very red so mixing with a tomato sauce will give you a richer red color. And lastly, this sauce is can be easily adjusted to most vegetables.


Super Veggie Sauce


2 tbsp. olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 small carrots, peeled and chopped
1 medium zucchini, chopped
3/4 cup chopped white mushrooms
3 plum tomatoes, chopped
1 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 (15-oz.) can diced tomatoes
1 bunch kale, chopped
1/2 cup vegetable (or chicken) stock
1 tbsp. torn fresh basil leaves
Freshly ground black pepper
salt, to taste
3-4 tbsp. mascarpone cheese (optional)

  1. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic, and saute for 3-4 minutes. Add carrots and saute for 5 minutes. Add zucchini and saute for an additional 2 minutes. Add the mushrooms  and kale. Saute for 2 more minutes. 
  2. Add in fresh tomatoes and butter. Simmer for 2 minutes. Pour in the can of tomatoes with about half of the juice along with vegetable stock and basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook on medium heat for 10 more minutes. 
  3. Once the vegetables are all tender, puree in a blender until smooth. Stir in mascarpone cheese if desired for a slightly creamier sauce. 
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week in Review 10.20.18


The girls and I had a fun trip to San Diego while Scott enjoyed his quiet time at home. We dove back into the week after arriving in Seattle on Sunday afternoon. I baked a lot this week and cycled a lot. 



I busted my butt this week with exercise. I got in two boot camps and four City Cycle rides. I'm sore and tired but I'm at 30 rides toward my 100 City Cycle Challenge and at 211 for my 218 in 2018 goal. This is very exciting for me and very sore for my butt. 



I made some pumpkin muffins for a neighbor and a loaf of Smitten Kitchen's Pumpkin Bread which was so good The girls and I had some great treats in San Diego. We stopped at Hammond's and had a Hawaiian Ice Cream inspired flight. We also indulged in some cookies from The Cravory which were delicious! 


The Girls

The girls have been busy with school and their after school activities. Molly is thriving in her math class and her teacher stopped me in the hall to tell me she had gotten 100% on her last math assessment. 


I went on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch with Maggie's class this week. I know our pumpkin patch days are winding down and it makes me wistful for their younger days. I'm not sure I miss those exhausting days but I do miss their sweet, little faces. 

Other Goings On

I baked and cycled a lot this week which didn't leave time for much else. I did however begin moving my office from the end of the dining room, down to the basement. I just need a desk and chair for the room. And lots of unpacking but I'm excited to have the dining room table clear after years and years of using it as my desk. 

Stories Published 

ParentMap: Gyms and Fitness Studios With Child Care in the Puget Sound
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Reading, Listening, Watching and Making



Expecto Matronum - The best! 

Detailed New National Maps Show How Neighborhoods Shape Children for Life - Fascinating look at geographic data and how neighborhoods shape children for life. 


Didn't I Just Feed You?


Fantastic Beasts and How to Find Them I was able to watch this on the plane on our recent trip to San Diego and it was so good! I rarely get to watch tv or movies anymore but I'm trying. 


Trick-or-Treat Bear - This is the cutest and I'd be further along if I read directions properly. This pattern is very well written and I can't wait to have my bear done. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Easy Pizza Rolls


My oldest often asks me to pack pizza for school lunch. I solved the problem of how to pack cold pizza with these easy pizza rolls. She loves gobbling them up and I love how super simple they are to make. I like to buy three or four prepared pizza dough packages from Trader Joe's to keep on hand for pizza requests. They freeze really well and still taste delicious. 


If you want to get more veggies into your kid's diet, pureeing some spinach or other roasted veggies into the pizza sauce is a great way to bump up the nutritional value without much change in the taste. 


Easy Pizza Rolls

  • Pre-Made Pizza Dough
  • 14 oz Pizza Sauce 
  • Mozzarella Log, pre-sliced 
  • Pepperoni 

  1. Preheat oven to 375F and place dough on counter to come to room temperature (about 10-15 minutes). 
  2. Roll out pizza dough into a large rectangular shape. Spread the pizza sauce, slices of mozzarella cheese and pepperoni (or your preferred toppings) onto the dough. Roll into a large log and cut slices about 1 1/2" apart. 
  3. Place pizza rolls into a pre-greased muffin tin. Bake for approximately 13 minutes, until golden. Let cool slightly and serve warm (or cold in the lunchbox like my daughter seems to enjoy). 
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Week in Review 10.12.18



This week ended on a high note with a visit to San Diego to see my best friend. My kids ask about her daily and when I saw they had a day off school, I knew we should grab the opportunity. I also knew Scott would enjoy a weekend home alone without any little voices or feet running around. 



Since I had a shorter week for working out, I packed it in. I did a double workout on Tuesday and I was so tired. Not a smart move! I got in two
 boot camps, a barre3 class and three City Cycle classes. Next week is the start of a 
City Cycle challenge where they want you to do 10 rides in 15 days. I'm going to attempt it though it might be tough. 



This week was a boring week for food. I made a few meals, my kids rejected but I found to be delicious. I made a terrible pumpkin pie smoothie. It was so bad, I took two sips and dumped it out. I planned to make pizza rolls for the blog but didn't. All in all, just a week. 


The Girls

Molly is getting stronger at swimming and slowly finding her beat in dance class. Maggie brings so much enthusiasm to her dance class that I have no idea if she is good or not. She is sure having a ton of fun. Both girls are really enjoying school and learning so much. 


Other Goings On

I got a sweet kit to make a Halloween Bear this week and casted on while flying down to San Diego. I'm not sure how much knitting I'll get done on this trip but I have grand plans! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Reading, Listening, Watching and Making



I Finally Got a Vitamix — Here's What I Think of It 7 Months Later - I've had mine for about 3 months and really wish I had bought it earlier. It is so amazing and worth the money. 

From 'Everything Under' To 'Overstory': The 2018 Man Booker Prize Shortlist - More books to read!

A Tale of Two Cities - I'm working my way through this one right now. I really like it. 

Powerful Thread Reminds Us We Can Always Leave Uncomfortable Situations - My parents always gave me permission to use them as an excuse to leave any situation I wasn't comfortable with. They knew that sometimes it is easier to blame someone else when you are kid. I plan to give my kids the same permission and make sure they know I'm always there for them. 


The Stash Podcast is back!

And so is Serial!


Skillshare: Donut Flat Lays - Get two free months of Skillshare premium when you sign up using this link: I've been loving these short classes and getting inspired! 


ALL the baby hats!

So many swatches
Saturday, October 06, 2018

Week in Review 10.6.18


The days are growing crisper and the nights have a biting cold. We are fully into fall, my favorite season of the year. My summer loving husband always watches me with a quizzical eye this time of year. I have a theory about babies born in the summer months versus those born in the winter. He was born in May while I entered this world in December. I wonder if his body craves warmth while mine welcomes the coming cold of winter. Or it could be that I  see more magic in the changing colors of the leaves than in the blooming of the flowers? And he sees it another way? Either way, we are in a magical season and I love it! 



Scott was out of town this week so I worked out later in the morning. While I do love working out in the early hours, I also appreciate a really good 9 a.m. exercise class. I'm considering how I might change up my workout time now that both girls are in school for longer hours. I got in three
 boot camps and three City Cycle classes. I'm at 23 
City Cycle classes and working hard to catch up with my friend who has 34 under her belt. 



This week was an amazing food week! Shake Shack is opening soon and I was able to go to a pre-opening event and try the food. Maggie was seriously into the food. I ordered a ton and she ate about 75% of it. 


Additionally our Drifter's Fish share came in and now we are fully stocked in salmon! I purchased a share before the fishing season started which helped support the fishermen and guaranteed me fresh salmon. 

I'm working on a few posts about how I shop for our food so expect to see that soon. I aim for a balance between fresh, local, healthy and cost-savings. I will always go for fresh and local over cost-savings per our families belief systems. 


The Girls

Molly's school had curriculum night and I loved being able to see her little desk and what she is working on. I may have left a note in one of her notebooks! We are fully in the swing of school which means clothing has been lost and found, complaints about wanting to stay home have been lodged and lunches have lost their exciting appeal. 


This week after yet another session spent digging in the girls' drawers for underwear that wasn't ripped or beaten up, I decided to take an idea from my husband. Every so often, he gets rid of all his socks and starts over. I decided to just start over from scratch with the girls' underwear and socks. I dumped out their drawers, savaged the few items which were in ok shape and dumped the rest (I still need to figure out what do with old underwear because I am not donating that but I don't want it to go to the dump). I then purchased two new packs of underwear for each of the girls on Amazon and bought a few packs of knee high socks. Their drawers are lovely now and all their items are fresh and new. There is something so satisfactory about that. 


The girls also got their flu shots and well that was an episode. These amazingly brave kids completely lose it at the thought of getting a shot. Molly literally ran down the vitamin aisle at Bartell's to try to escape the shot room. She's fast and I had to lunge after her while reaching for her braid. We got the shots. They cried and then I bought them toys at the toy store next door. I think we all won in this scenario, except for maybe my wallet. 


Other Goings On

I had the opportunity to go see VOLTA by Cirque de Soleil this week and it was simply amazing! There is a woman who hangs by her hair, bouncing trampolinists, BMX bike tricks and a very subtle message about the use of social media and how it impacts our lives. Also it was fun to have a night out with a girlfriend and no kids! 
Thursday, October 04, 2018

September Goals

YOC - January Inspiration

September was a blur! I did not do as well in the transition from Summer to School as I thought I would. I had all these big goals and didn't get to most of them. Oh well! 

Here is how I did on my September Goals:
  1. Exercise 20 times - I got in 21 workouts! 
  2. Catch up on my Bible reading - I worked on this and am not caught up but I worked on it. 
  3. Hang Wallpaper in the Basement stairwell - I started on this but quickly hit a snag. The ceilings are SUPER HIGH and over the stairs so I'm not sure how to reach them since I think a ladder would be unsafe? I'm stuck!  I may put the wallpaper in the basement hallway and come up with something new for the basement staircase. 
  4. Plant a new shrub outside the house - I did this and I love my new little Japanese Maple. 
  5. Knit my September hat for charity 
  6. Knit 5 miter squares for my blanket - didn't happen!
  7. Paint and Organize the garage - I've started but not finished this goal and I really need to get it done. 
  8. Paint the bathroom - this was delayed due to our other bathroom not quite being done yet. 
  9. Start TKGA Master Knitting Level I - Started!
  10. Continue purging the stuff from storage - Still purging! 
Project 52 - Week 29

Here are my goals for October! These include some 2018 goals and some specific goals for September. I'm hoping to crank through some things this month before the holiday season cranks up and keeps me busy. 

October Goals
  1. Exercise 22 times  
  2. Write daily for 20 minutes
  3. Hang Wallpaper in the Basement hallway
  4. Knit my October hat for charity 
  5. Knit 5 miter squares for my blanket
  6. Paint and organize the garage
  7. Paint the upstairs bathroom
  8. Work on TKGA Master Knitting Level I
  9. Work on Yearly Photo Books
  10. Work on Holiday Calendars
Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Monthly Goal Check-In (September)


Honestly, I did just didn't do much in September. I got settled into the new routine, I dreamed up a lot of things to do and did a lot of nothing. I did get some good work done on our lawn and started on getting the garage in good shape. I got Molly settled into school and Maggie into the rhythm of her new class. I cleaned and cooked a lot. Otherwise, a lot of not much. 


2018 Goals
  1. Workout 218 times in 2018 - I worked out 21 times in September. My goal was 20 times. I'm at 194 workouts for the year with 24 to go! 
  2. Go Skiing 
  3. Complete "The Artist's Way"
  4. Learn Hand Lettering 
  5. Paint the Bathroom - Due to our other bathroom not being done in time, I did not do this in September but I did start the process and hope to complete the painting in October. 
  6. Find a picture for the oval frame in my bedroom 
  7. Replace the sad Rhododendron plant with a Dwarf Japanese Maple (or another plant) - I did this! I bought a beautiful little Japanese Maple and it was the most amount of money I've ever spent on any one plant, ever. 
  8. Build (or buy) a trellis for my vegetable garden 
  9. Buy a new dishwasher 
  10. Embrace Minimalism by doing the Minimalist Game for an entire month 
  11. Reduce our food bill and food waste - I've been working hard at not wasting food! 
  12. Read War and Peace, Moby Dick, A Tale of Two Cities and The Grapes of Wrath -  I read a lot of Moby Dick while raging at how many words are used to describe nothing. I also started A Tale of Two Cities which already feels like a faster read. 
  13. Read the Bible - I'm not quite caught up but I'm working hard on it. 
  14. Knit Nanoo - Nanoo! I'm still working on this. Working, working and finding mistakes and rip, rip, ripping! 
  15. Knit 12 hats for charity - I got my September hat knit up with a little heart in it. 
  16. Repeat Goal: Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I - I starting working on this goal. I get paralyzed in fear that I'm doing this wrong and then do nothing so I'm forcing myself to do it. 
  17. Repeat Goal: Finish my Miter Square Blanket  - I did nothing with this during September. 
  18. Repeat Goal: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - This is a goal that is dragging on me but I want to get done. 
Monday, October 01, 2018

Head to Suncadia for the 13th Annual Harvest Festival


It's FALL! Which means it is time for Suncadia's 13th Annual Harvest Festival. I was lucky enough to attend last year and had so much fun. 

Just 80 miles east of Seattle in the picturesque Cascade Mountains, Suncadia Resort, A Destination Hotel, is hosting its 13th Annual Harvest Festival the first two weekends in October.

Held at the historic Nelson Farm, the Harvest Festival is a celebration of the arrival of the fall season. Family-friendly seasonally inspired activities like pumpkin archery, hay mazes, and corn hole tournaments, as well as providing live music, beer gardens, food trucks, wine tastings, Pacific Northwest inspired dinner tastings, and a farmers market are a few of the offerings! 

To sweeten a stay this season, the resort is offering a “Falling for Suncadia” package that includes a nightly resort credit of $50 per night to dine, spa, or golf the day away (there are 3 par kid courses too!). Packages start at $250 - but the festival is free to attend. Let's go! 

*all photos credited to Suncadia Resort
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